How a CiviCRM training converted me to giving back

2016-03-23 01:14
Written by
jaapjansma - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

My first introduction to the community was at a training in Gent in 2013. The training was given by Xavier and Erik Hommel. And they did a very good job because I am still part of the community.

It was a two day training and during the training I learned how CiviCRM works and how to develop custom functionality. Xavier and Erik did not only explain the technical stuff they also explained how the community works and how to become part of the community. The latter was quite easy and I did not expect it to be that easy. They explained about the forum, which is almost dead now, and what they explained was that it was the source for asking questions and getting answers. They also explained that it was not only a place to get answers. It was also a place to give answers.

I thought that I did not know much and that I was not in a position to give answers. But I was wrong. I did know a lot, the first thing I knew a lot about was development stuff because I was a developer for quite a while. But also the training helped my with a good understanding of the system. So yes I knew more than I thought and that gave the possibility to answer questions on the forum and to engage in discussions. And giving answers, giving back to the community was a real eye opener for me of how open source works because I started to discover that giving back is the essential of being part of an open source community. It is the rewarding part. It is the part which generate energy. It is the part which is fun! And it is the part which makes my daily job as CiviCRM developer and consultant fun.


Ah did I mention that after the training I got converted and that am I fulltime working as a CiviCRM developer and consultant? And earning a living with just that simple motto: ‘Giving back to the community’?

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Rose (no verificat)
2016-04-07 - 04:04

Hello Jaap! It's good to see you this morning :-)

I too am totally sold on the enthusiasm of the community and enjoying helping others discover the benefits of CiviCRM.


Anonymous (no verificat)
2016-04-14 - 15:01

Great article Jaap, great to have you as a member of the CiviVerse!