3.1 Beta 1 Released

2009-12-04 04:54
Written by
yashodha - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
The first BETA release of version 3.1 is now available for download. You can also try it out on our sandbox site. Please remember it’s a beta release and it shouldn’t be used on production sites. Check out the blog entry on the previous alpha2 release for a run-down of what’s new in CiviCRM 3.1. A full list of changes, improvements and bug fixes in this release is also available on the wiki and in the issue tracker.


You can download CiviCRM 3.1 Beta from the "civicrm_latest" section. The filenames include the 3.1 Beta label: civicrm-3.1.beta…. Be sure and download the correct version for your CMS (Drupal or Joomla) or Standalone.

New Installations

If you are installing CiviCRM 3.1 Beta 1 from scratch, please use the 3.0 versions of the automated installer instructions (the installation process has not changed):

Upgrading 2.2.* or 3.0.* Sites to 3.1 Beta 1

An automated upgrade process is included in the beta release, and the procedure for upgrading to 3.1 beta1 is the same as for upgrading to 3.0.x. You can upgrade directly from 2.2.x or 3.0.x. Instructions:

Reporting Issues and Bugs

We look forward to getting your feedback on the release in the coming days. If you have questions installing, upgrading and / or using 3.1 features - or you're seeing a problem and you're not sure if it's a bug - please post your issue to the 3.1 release testing section of the community forums. Include as many specifics as possible about the issue or question. Bugs should be reported via our issue tracking system. Please select 3.1 in the ‘Affects Version’ dropdown. You will need to register as a user – this ensures that we can follow-up with you on your bug reports if necessary. Please ensure that the bug you’ve found is not reported already by checking the open issues listing. We will continue to include automated upgrades for subsequent beta and stable releases of 3.1 - so you should be able to upgrade your test site easily over the course of the release cycle.