TexasCamp 2016

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2016-04-07 06:40
Written by
Névtelen (nem ellenőrzött) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

This weekend the Skvare team attended TexasCamp, the first state-wide DrupalCamp! The Dallas conference attracted users and developers from all over the state to learn and network. Skvare showed community support with a Gold-level sponsorship. Since CiviCRM and Drupal work so well together, we shared some presentations that touched on the intersection of both.

Texas Camp 2016

Mark Hanna shared information on a new open-source online learning system powered by CiviCRM and Drupal. This week's release of Skvare's Tin Can compliant Learning Record Store is a Drupal-native API that expands Drupal capabilities for flexible, open-source Learning Management Software. This open-source solution can significantly lower the barrier to entry for organizations seeking to implement an online learning program.



View the video that goes with the slides below.



Feel free to play around with the alpha release of Tin Can Learning Record Store code and let us know what you think.

Kate Shaw presented an intro to CiviCRM as software for nonprofits, discussing use cases for managing membership, special events, and crowdfunding.

Peter Petrik shared information on hosting and performance improvements and Personal URL's.

Thank you to LevelTen Interactive for organizing and hosting, and to our fellow sponsors, Pantheon, Amazee Labs and Acquia.



If you'd like to learn more about CiviCRM, now's your chance

Register to win a free ticket to CiviCon 2016 by April 15. Sessions for CiviCon 2016 are taking shape. Whether you're new to CiviCRM or a seasoned user there is something for you at CiviCon Colorado 2016! If you’re an active user of CiviCRM but lack the resources to attend, here’s one barrier that’s been removed to help get you to Fort Collins this June. Head on over to our registration page to enter the drawing!

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