CiviCRM 4.7.13 and 4.6.23: Been There, Sprinted That

2016-11-02 16:10
Written by
totten - member of the CiviCRM community and Core Team member - about the Core Team

We're pleased to announce availability of CiviCRM v4.7.13 and v4.6.23.

This release was heavily influenced by the contributors from the sprints in Maryland and Edale and benefited from an extended release-candidate period. Combining the efforts of on-site and face-to-face contributions, this release addressed over 100+ JIRA issues and 170+ pull-requests.

Given the breadth of work, it is difficult to summarize this release, but you can find more information in the JIRA issue tracker  and the Github patch tracker:

Special Thanks

  • To the Maryland Sprinters: Alice Frumin, Allen Shaw, Andrew Hunt, Kevin Cristiano, Marc Brazeau, Mika Weinstein, Nicolas Ganivet, Tyrell Cook
  • To the Edale Sprinters: Aidan Saunders, Alain Benbassat, Björn Endres, Craig Almond, Carlos Capote, Christian Wach, Daniella Boon, Dave Jenkins, Dave Moreton, Deepak Srivastava, Eileen McNaughton, Fernando Rodríguez Gordo, Jaap Jansma, Jamie Novick, JoAnne Chester, John Kirk, Jon-man Cheung, Martin Carson, Matthew Wire, Michael McAndrew, Mike Kondrashin, Oliver Gibson, Parvez Saleh, Rose Lanigan, William Mortada
  • To the others who contributed through patches or review during this cycle: Abhishek Jain, Alan Dixon, Alar of Runetotem, Andy Walker, Brian Shaughnessy, Chris Burgess, Darrick Servis, David Hayes, David Joseph Hayes, Edsel Lopez, Frank J.  Gómez, Franky Van Liedekerke, Frederic Guzman, Giovanni Gargani, Inforgetics, John Kingsnorth, Jamie McClelland, Jon Goldberg, Ken West, Mathieu Lutfy, Mattias Michaux, Olivier Tétard, Pradeep Nayak, Samuel Vanhove, Seamus Lee, Thomas Schüttler, TobiasLounsbury, Vgratioulet, aritnath1990, darrick, f2boot, francescbassas, gavande, ggargani, herbdool, konadave, liedekef, otetard, serundeputy, sleewok, spalmstr, spirit-q2, sqweets
  • To the members of the core development team, including: Coleman Watts, Jitendra Purohit, Monish Deb, Tim Otten, and Yashodha Chaku.

What's New In CiviCRM 4.7

  • Administrator Status Page - Provides CiviCRM site administrators a single place to check configuration issues including cron status, permissions, optimal system settings, etc.
  • Dedupe improvements - Optimizes duplicate contact identification and merging for organizations with large numbers of duplicates.
  • Changes to WYIWYG editor - Incorporates the new CK Configurator directly in CiviCRM, allowing easy selection of plugins and themes.
  • Payment processing improvements - Thanks to Eileen for overhauling the payment system to be more reliable and to support token-based recurring payments as well as non-credit card payment methods.
  • Many useful improvements to contribution and activity reports.
  • API enhancements - the api now supports joins across related entities, and filtering by custom fields - Big thanks to johanv for this!

Along with this and other exciting new features, this release includes 50 fixes and minor improvements.

New Installations

If you are installing CiviCRM 4.7 from scratch, please use the corresponding automated installer instructions: users:: Prior to 4.7, CiviCRM forced to send out receipt emails regardless of configuration. From 4.7 onwards this will not happen and you should log into your interface and configure whether you want to send out receipts (in addition to those sent by CiviCRM).

Lybunt report users:: Some fields that were previously mandatory on Lybunt are now optional. On new reports they are on by default but you might need to check the fields you want are selected for existing reports.

Upgrading to 4.7

If your site is highly customized with special code or theming for CiviCRM you will want to upgrade a test copy first and test your customizations. For everyone else, follow these simple steps to get yourself up and running with 4.7.

Filed under


Anonymous (non verificato)
2016-11-16 - 04:35

It seems CiviHR 4.0 is not compatible with CiviCRM 4.7.13 (see also my post on StackExchange linked below). Is this a known problem, and are there plans to fix this?


Best regards,
