The CiviCRM Core Team recently wrapped up work on the first phase of ‘Search Builder’, an effort intended to unify the various methods of search in CiviCRM while modernizing the software’s underlying architecture (original blog post announcing Search Builder can be found here). Search Builder leverages APIv4 to build complex queries on which users may take actions, such as creating smart groups (phase 1 tasks can be found on Gitlab).
Future phases will bring Form Builder into the mix, allowing users to perform powerful searches in a more user-friendly, flexible format.
The Core Team is excited to realize this effort and are grateful for the community feedback received as well as the support and vision of the Wikimedia Foundation who’s funding quite literally made this happen.
Coleman Watts of the Core Team will lead a webinar of Search Builder on Thursday, July 16 at 10am US ET (2pm UTC) that will present Search Builder’s current capabilities as well as what is in store for Phase 2. Questions and feedback encouraged.
Webinar link: https://meet.google.com/oui-icwr-hqe
A recording is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mX63jbjS_s