Inbound Email Activity

Development Status
Work In Progress
Active Installs

Last updated: 2022-07-15

Works with CiviCRM 5.51 or higher.

This extension changes which contacts are referenced by Inbound Email activities to make them (arguably) more sensible than core CiviCRM's defaults.

Core CiviCRM Inbound Emails result in Activities with 'Added by' and 'Assigned to' set to the contact related to the From email address, and 'With Contact' (aka Target Contact) set to the email-to-activity email's related contact. 'Assigned to' is normally a staff person who is assigned to do followup work, which wouldn't be true for inquiry or response emails. 'With Contact' is normally the external stakeholder, which in this case is the From email address's contact. As the system is adding the contact because it came in the email-to-activity inbox, 'Added by' is set to that email's related contact. No contact is 'Assigned to' followup on an Inbound Email automatically, although it might be nice as a new feature to have a setting for one or more to be added.