UK Booksprint: Day 3

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2011-08-26 17:16
Written by
Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

We've nearly reached the end of the third day of booksprinting here at Cawthorpe Hall in the UK.  This is my first sprint and first blog post. I'm one of the few end users attending the sprint and so far, the experience is demanding, but the best way yet of experiencing the Civi community in action. It's been really valuable for getting to know people involved in Civi development, including Donald Lobo, Dave Greenberg, Michał Mach, Kurund Jalmi, Yashodha Chaku, Michael McAndrew, Xavier Dutoit, and many more dedicated developers.

I'm Robyn and I'm here with colleagues, Alice Aguilar and Jamie McClelland, from the Progressive Technology Project.

We're putting together 3 different manuals (it's really a library sprint): CiviCRM for Human Rights Organizations, CiviCRM Developer Guide, and Understanding CiviCRM: A Comprehensive Guide.

We've added a whole section on CiviCampaign, including Survey, Petition, and GOTV sections --- it's complete and has passed review!

Our booksprint team began the review process of the Comprehensive Guide today --- there's much to do but a structure is emerging that will make it easier for anyone using CiviCRM to turn to the manual and get out of it exactly what they're looking for. That's my aim, and it's exciting to be part of the process as it unfolds, especially the great conversations about how users actually use the manual and balancing that with all the information we want to share with them. We have a really dedicated and hard-working team led by our taskmaster, Adam Hyde, from Floss Manuals.

We're also adding documentation of new features, including the auto-renew membership feature. We're expanding documentation of Activities, which seem to need a more prominent spot in the Guide.

Look forward to more updates in the coming days --- soon, our work will be revealed.

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Lindsey M (not verified)
2011-09-01 - 10:02

Hi Robyn, it was good to meet you and others from the Civi community at Civicon. I'm happy to get involved a bit more but, not being a developer, it's harder to know how I can play my part. Someone at Civicon mentioned getting involved in proof-reading the manual. I'm happy to do some of that if need be. Do just get in touch.
