Friday 2nd June 2023
We are busy preparing CiviCamp Brussels which will be held on Friday, 2nd June 2023 in the capital of the EU: Brussels!
The Program
The program is under development. There will be an introductory session to CiviCRM if you are new to the software but interested. There'll be a number of sessions from different organsisations about their use of CiviCRM.Those will be from either functional, technical or organisational perspectives.
Please let us know if you are eager to do a session on any topic related to CiviCRM. The community exists because of the contributions its members make. You can be one of those members. The registration form will provide the opportunity to get on the agenda.
Why should you come?
CiviCamps are casual, one day events covering everything related to CiviCRM. Attend CiviCamp and learn about CiviCRM and what it can do for your organization, meet other CiviCRM users and gather their feedback, learn advanced strategies for managing your online database, ask any questions you might have, share tips and build connections!
Who will be there?
There will be a mixture of CiviCRM users from organisations across North West Europe. There will be mostly non-profit organisations using CiviCRM for contact management, fundraising, mailings, donations, event management and case management. There will also be a range of implementers and developers who will be delivering sessions as well as joining in discussions. It will be a great opportunity to share ideas, build networks and extend your knowledge of CiviCRM.
Questions? Contact Erik Brouwer (erik.brouwer@civicoop.org) or Betty Dolfing (betty.dolfing@civicoop.org)
Offices Amnesty International Flanders, Waversesteenweg 169, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Thanks to Amnesty International Belgium's hospitality, we are able to offer you a reduced entrance fee: €40,00 including lunch and drinks & snack afterwards, incl. VAT