Announcing CiviCRM 4.1

2012-02-15 03:08
Written by
yashodha - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

The team is excited to announce the first stable release of version 4.1  - with support for Drupal 7, Drupal 6, Joomla 1.7/2.5, and Wordpress 3.3. You can download the release now from Sourceforge.

We strongly recommend that you upgrade a test copy of your site and review your critical workflows before upgrading your production site. You can also test-drive the release on each platform using the public demos:

Please report any bugs or issues on the appropriate forum board (what to do if you think you've found a bug).


What's new (highlights)

Here's a quick list of some of the many cool and useful new features and improvements in this release:

  • Extended support for Drupal 6
  • WordPress 3.3 integration
  • Personal Campaign Pages for events - CRM-8534
  • Scheduled Reminders for events - CRM-8669
  • Social Networking plugins (Facebook "like", Tweet ...) for event and contribution pages - CRM-8737
  • Support for case custom fields - CRM-8508
  • Simplified Administrator menus - CRM-9059
  • Assign multiple contact subtypes and change subtypes  - CRM-8357
  • Consolidated cron provides a single interface for configuring the automated scripts- CRM-8358. Heads-up sys admins - existing cron jobs will need to be reconfigured.
  • Find duplicate contacts has been optimized when using the  reserved dedupe rule
  • Limit contact reference custom fields by group - CRM-8536
  • Unlimited Profiles for event registration forms
  • CiviReport - save report instance as a new report and permissioning by role - CRM-8562
  • Event info pages include links to configure the event, and to view registered participants - CRM-8707
  • Register, and Confirm buttons now appear on TOP and bottom of public event info and register forms


Want to learn more? Check out the complete list of new and improved functionality on the issue tracker.


Step up and help out with documentation updates

New releases provide a great opportunity to get involved in the CiviCRM documentation community. Many of the new and improved features in 4.1 are not yet reflected in the User and Administrator Guide, and Developer Guide. You can get an account to edit and update the books here.


You can download the release from SourceForge. The filenames include the 4.1.0 labels, e.g. civicrm-4.1.0-drupal.tar.gz or civicrm-4.1.0-joomla.tar.gz or civicrm-4.1.0-wordpress.tar.gz. Make sure you're downloading the correct version: for Drupal or Joomla or WordPress.


New Installations

If you are installing CiviCRM 4.1.0 from scratch, please use the corresponding automated installer instructions:


Upgrading to 4.1.0

The procedure for upgrading is described in following documents:

We will continue to include automated upgrades for subsequent stable releases of 4.1 - so you should be able to upgrade your site easily over the course of the release cycle.



Community support and engagement is the force that sustains and drives CiviCRM forward. This release would not have been possible without the incredible contributions of these people and organizations:

Adam Wight, Andrew Harris, Andrew Perry, Alice Aguilar, Andre Gurgel, Brian Shaugnessy, Coleman Watts, Dave D, Dave Moreton, Eileen McNaughton, Erik Brower, Erik Hommel, Henry Bennett, Jamie McClelland, Jim Taylor, Jonathan Mark, Joe Murray, Marianela Zucotti Bozzano, Michael McAndrew, Steve Colson, Stuart Gaston, Tim Otten, Tom Kirkpatrick, Xavier Dutoit.

AGH Strategies, Amigos Library Services, Association for Learning Technology, Attendee Management, Benton Consulting, Circle Interactive, CivicActions, Community Builders, EE-atWork, Fuzion (NZ), Giant Rabbit, Kindling Trust, Korlon, International Mountain Biking Association, International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Josiesque Designs, Michigan Parents for Schools, New York State Senate, Nonprofit Association of Oregon, Nonprofit Solutions, Powered by Action, Progressive Technology Project, Resolutions Northwest, River Pool at Beacon, Rooty Hollow, San Francisco Baykeeper, Scotland's Colleges, Switchback, System Seed, Tech to the People, The San Francisco Orff-Schulwerk, Third Sector Design, Voluntary Action Westminster, Vpod Schweiz, Woven.


Anonymous (not verified)
2012-02-16 - 02:50

A very big thank you to everyone involved in getting this release out. A big step forward for CiviCRM. 2012 is shaping up to be quite a year.

Anonymous (not verified)
2012-02-16 - 14:12

Congratulations on a fantastic milestone - it is wonderful to see such a long list of contributors.

Great to have 4.1 stable before a site we are building with Personal Campaign Pages for Events goes live!!!



Andrew Perry

Community Builders Australia

Anonymous (not verified)
2012-02-19 - 07:13

Just reading down the list of new features - a serious about of useful stuff got packed into this release.  Great work guys :)