Razorpay Payment Processor

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CiviCRM Razorpay Payment Processor

Integrates the Razorpay payment processor into CiviCRM so you can use it to accept UPI, Cards, Netbanking payments on your site.

  • https://razorpay.com/

Latest releases can be found in the CiviCRM extensions directory



  1. Download the extension code
  2. Put it in your CiviCRM extension directory
  3. Go to CiviCRM > Administer > System Settings > Extensions
  4. Find com.coloredcow.civirazorpay in the extension list and enable it
  5. Optionally, you can also use cv command-line tool to perform step 3 and 4


The setup has two parts: one needs to be done at Razorpay's end the other in CiviCRM. These are explained below.

Obtain Razorpay API Key

  1. Login to Razorpay dashboard
  2. Optionally after logging in you can switch to Test Mode if you want to test the integration first
  3. Go to Account & Settings
  4. Under Website and app settings click on API Keys
  5. Generate API Key. Razorpay will also provide a secret for the generated API key
  6. Save both API Key and Secret securely

CiviCRM Payment Processor

  1. Go to CiviCRM > CiviContribute > Payment Processors
  2. Click on Add Payment Processor
  3. Select Razorpay in the Payment Processor Type
  4. Fill in the rest of the details along with correct API key and secrets


Once the Payment Processor of type Razorpay has been added, the next step is to use this payment processor to accept payments on contribution pages.

  1. Go to CiviCRM > Contributions > Manage Contribution Pages
  2. Add a new contribution page or configure and existing one
  3. In the Amounts tab when configuring a contribution page, you will see a field Payment Processor
  4. Check the Razorpay option for the Payment Processor
  5. Fill in the required fields and save
  6. That's it!


Crafted by ColoredCow