To map or not to map

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2012-05-06 07:02
Written by
Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

In a recent JIRA issue, CRM-9825, I suggested that the Google Map shown on Event Info pages be removed, leaving just the link to a map. Dave Greenberg suggested I write this blog entry to socialise that idea, and see if it has the support of the wider community.


So, what's the logic of the change?

  • It's nice to have a map so people can find the event Location
  • However, the Google Map takes up space, forcing key pieces of information (such as Cost) down the page

Ok, so what's the proposal?

  • Remove the display of the Google Map from the Event Info page
  • Change the link text from Show large map to Show map of location
  • This event shows an example of the proposed change
  • This patch implements the change

What do you think?

Filed under


Anonymous (not verified)
2012-05-06 - 14:03

I disagree.

Even though it does take pages longer to load for me but for my organization we use it actively and I am sure others as well.

If you are concerned about load time, and size I would recommend not putting anything in location page under setting and then just put the link to google maps under description.


why don't we just make that option configurable -- so you can display map (current behavior), display link to map, or don't display map. change what is currently a checkbox into radio button options.

on a related note, I think that option should be on the second step (location tab) rather than the first step (info and settings). it's more appropriate there.

Anonymous (not verified)
2012-05-07 - 06:26

This might be a good opportunity to make more aspects of the event info page configurable.  There could be a set of checkboxes along the lines of:

Event info display

  • Summary
  • Description
  • Location
  • Embedded map
  • Map link
  • Fee levels
  • Social media links

Select which items should be displayed on the event info page


This one field would allow for the option that lcdweb suggests, and it could replace the existing checkboxes for "Include Map to Event Location?" and "Allow sharing through social media?".  It would also solve the problem that some people have when writing a summary to display on an event listing--they want to be able to explain the event in the description, but when the summary displays above the description, it looks redundant.

Anonymous (not verified)
2012-05-07 - 10:36

My vote is for Andrew's idea.   Given that the current event information page is not configurable, any organization that is using CiviEvent out-of-the-box ( and has not customized the tpl files) is used to their visitors seeing a large map.  This default behavior should not be changed unless is configrable to get the original behavior back.


Anonymous (not verified)
2012-05-07 - 14:13

I definitely agree with making this a configurable option. It would be very useful to have events and other items that can be exposed to public users be highly configurable from the UI, rather than requiring a template change.

Anonymous (not verified)
2012-05-08 - 00:09

I like Brian's suggestion to enhance the checkbox display location to a 3 states (no display, display inline, display in a new page). Seems to be a good compromise.

Not too keen on andrews suggestion, it's already scarring users, throwing in half a dozen more options are going to make them run away screaming.

This being said, being able to configure the zoom level could be useful too. Maybe part of the same select/radio?

- no map

- same page (city map)

- separate page (city map)

- same page (street map)

- separate page (street map)

"city map" being the existing zoom, "street map" being the zoom level that was there earlier on.

I'm not in favour of removing it, but I'd be happy with making it configurable.

Anonymous (not verified)
2012-05-12 - 06:47

An event page ultimately leads to an HTTPS page for an event for which you can pay online. Embedding the map display in the event page results in remote users getting security warnings.


Perhaps there could be an option to autodetect whether the event page is being served via HTTPS and then only generate a link to the map.


But if the request is via HTTP, embed the map display.

Anonymous (not verified)
2012-05-12 - 15:49

Same thought again. I think it should be configurable