Benefits experienced by a Small Adult Education program by using CiviCRM

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2014-05-23 08:29
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Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

I run an adult education program for my home town’s public school system called Livingston ACE. It’s small. I’m a one-man show. When I was hired for the job several years ago, I promised to transition the program from a paper catalog with no website to a web-based catalog with online registrations and email advertising. I chose CiviCRM. I had no prior experience with it. Nevertheless, within a month I had CiviCRM up and running on a server in my house. My classes were listed online and registrations happened electronically.


Three years later I am still very happy with CiviCRM. I continue to learn how to use it more effectively. There are no more paper catalogs. Teachers can come to me with an idea for a class. I can advertise it and make it happen in a month’s time. Prior to taking the job, catalogs were published twice a year. New teachers would have to wait up to six months for an opportunity to advertise and offer their classes.

I recently gave a CiviCRM demonstration to a small-business group. Since then, I have helped one person install CiviCRM for their Buddhist meditation group. I am currently helping a non-profit art center install CiviCRM, and I will upgrade the local youth soccer organization’s website with CiviCRM as well. The local animal shelter is also considering CiviCRM.

Thanks Civi.