Join the CiviCRM Member Program

2014-08-29 05:03
Written by
josh - member of the CiviCRM community and Core Team member - about the Core Team

Back in March of this year, Max Hunter wrote a compelling blog post about CiviCRM's shift to a member-supported project, citing its changing ecosystem, budget requirements and its growth into a full-fledged CRM thanks to the efforts of the many stakeholders involved. His post, along with several others, helped to shape the conversation around the introduction of a member program in which end user organizations contribute back to CiviCRM, a program that we're moving forward with today and will promote throughout the CiviCRM ecosystem.

I read Max's post along with other posts when I first started with CiviCRM in August, 2014. I remember his in particular because while I was reading it, I received a phone call from a good friend. He asked how everything was going and so I told him about this great new position with CiviCRM, an incredible organization and vibrant community. He patiently listened and let me finish and then simply said, “that’s great. What’s the business model for that?” Did I mention that he’s a banker? So that’s pretty much his stock question for everything! But it did get me thinking.

When you peel away the details, the business model isn’t that much different from any other business, except in one primary aspect; ownership. In short, participation in CiviCRM, whether as an end user, core team member, or partner, is ownership of CiviCRM. Participation is ownership.

When you think of it that way, each owner should want to do their part to ensure that the project remains healthy and sustainable. Just like CiviCRM has evolved, we expect that each stakeholder’s capacity to ‘do their part’ has changed and will continue to change over time. We also hope that today’s introduction of a membership program is well received and that end user organizations value CiviCRM enough, and identify sufficiently with its mission, to join.

Today’s membership program is designed to encourage end user participation and to connect members with partners such that the use of CiviCRM is maximized. Membership includes access to member-only benefits provided by partners, 20% off CiviCRM conferences, a member badge, good karma, and access to all new benefits that are added as a result of a growing membership program.

More than ever, CiviCRM relies on a diverse and increasingly complex funding model. And when I say ‘CiviCRM’, I mean all of us that use it, work for it, and leverage it for benefit, because we own it. Membership isn’t about paying to use CiviCRM… membership is about protecting it.

Join members like the International Mountain Biking Association, San Francisco Baykeeper and Fund Texas Choice and become a member today.

Not ready to make the leap to becoming a member? That’s ok. We do encourage you to take 1 minute to register your site. We learn a lot about end users and how to improve CiviCRM just with the information you provide.

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Anonymous (not verified)
2014-08-31 - 02:49

How about a membership level for much smaller organisations?  Our turnover is nearer $10,000 so there's no way we can afford $500.  But we might be able to contribute 0.3% of our turnover.