Drupal 8 and CiviCRM - the countdown continues

2015-07-21 12:52
Written by
petednz - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Drupal 8 is likely to be released around September. Fuzion have been driving the initiative to have CiviCRM ready to roll when Drupal 8 is released and there have already been some generous sponsors for our work to help get us this far. We have CiviCRM currently working on latest beta, and old friends like Views are working fine and you can give it a try out at http://civid8.fudev.co.nz/.

But there is still lots to do to get Rules, Entities and Webform working. A Make It Happen has just been launched, and you can help progress this work by chipping in here https://civicrm.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=71, or you can get in touch with us about setting you up your own test suite.

If you are happy trying out your own installation, details can be found here https://civicrm.org/blogs/torrance/give-civicrm-drupal-8-test-out

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Thanks for pushing this forward, Pete, Torrance, et. al.

Anonymous (not verified)
2015-07-22 - 03:15

Sounds great and keen to get involved. I think being an early mover on the CRM front to Drupal 8 will be a big win for Civi.

Just a thought - I was under the impression that Webforms may not make the move to D8 - and that perhaps the "Webforms everywhere" approach from core may mean there would be a Webform/Civi solution in Civi core - does anyone have any thoughts on that?




Anonymous (not verified)
2015-07-22 - 04:22

Webforms is in process of being ported to D8, but it may take a while - if you have a look at their issue queue you can find the details. I asked Coleman, he seemed to think the porting Webform-Civi would be worthwhile, and not too difficult... though it needs funding of course.
