Winning with CiviCRM: Building Skills & Developing Campaigns - Seattle, WA, May 10-12, 2016

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2016-04-26 09:28
Written by
Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Progressive Technology Project invites you and members of your staff and team to Join us in Seattle for a kick-ass CiviCRM/Powerbase training. During this three-day in-person session, you'll sharpen your skills and knowledge to effectively use CiviCRM/Powerbase--no matter your user level. We're offering three tracks on different days so users of all skill levels can attend whatever day(s) make sense for you.


Who should Attend? Everyone! If you use CiviCRM or PowerBase and support or conduct organizing work from all areas of your organization, this training is designed for you. 

Tuesday May 10

CiviCRM / PowerBase Fundamentals (Basic Skills for New Users)

Wednesday May 11

Advanced Organizing Strategies (for Advanced Users)

Thursday May 12

Being More Effective & Strategic: Making All Your CiviCRM / PowerBase Dreams Come True (through Campaign Development or Daily Operations Implementation and Planning)

Our expert trainers will help you build your CiviCRM / PowerBAse skills strategically, effectively and with an integrated approach. Topics will include:

  • Using data to turn out more people to your events
  • Tracking leadership development and membership activities
  • Sending out mass emails
  • Conducting phonebanks and e-advocacy campaigns
  • Using different reporting and dashboard features to analyze your data and show the results of your work
  • And much more!!!


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