First Budapest CiviCRM Meetup

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2016-06-04 05:51
Written by
Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

2nd  june 2016. we organized the first Budapest CiviCRM Meetup. Unfortunately  the attendance was low. We discussed the state of CiviCRM in Hungary, as now only 25 sites registered and 21 uses in Hungarian language.  Spent some time on the modules, shared our thoughts. Next Budapest CiviCRM Meetup will be in September this year.

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2016-06-04 - 09:15

Thanks for organizing this effort and for bringing another meetup on board for September. Make certain to get it into so that it can be listed on our events page (

It definitely takes time to build up momentum. I'm pretty sure the London group had small beginnings...