CiviCRM Core Team Welcomes Mathieu

2017-06-19 12:39
Written by
josh - member of the CiviCRM community and Core Team member - about the Core Team

Over the past 18 months, the CiviCRM Core Team has focused heavily on project sustainability and on balancing our own internal capacity. During that time, our infrastructure has been consistently (and thankfully) managed by Mathieu, a member of the Canada-based partner Coop SymbioTIC. While we’ve always considered Mathieu quasi-core-team, we’ve recently made it official and are very happy to announce that, in addition to managing the project’s infrastructure, he’ll now take on a greater role in its overall leadership.

Though the Core Team’s finances are always in flux, and often tenuous, we hope to expand the Core Team throughout 2017 to include a diverse set of individuals whose collective wisdom and guidance can take CiviCRM to a new level. Mathieu’s addition to overall project leadership is a first step toward deepening both our skills sets as well as the perspectives and knowledge that help shape the direction of the project. We’re very thankful to have him on board!

About the Core Team

The CiviCRM Core Team is now comprised of 4 members whose primary functions are to produce CiviCRM the software, to promote it as a world class CRM for not for profit organizations, and to facilitate the community that uses it. By providing software that is free to download, free to use, and free to customize, we aspire to empower organizations to have a meaningful impact throughout the world.

We’re very passionate about CiviCRM and the good that it accomplishes each and every day. We hope that you’ll support CiviCRM and our plans to grow or capacity to make the software even better by making a donation today.


Anonymous (not verified)
2017-06-21 - 04:12

That's excellent news! Great to have Mathieu aboard, officially :)

Anonymous (not verified)
2017-06-22 - 00:28

Congratulations !

Good news for the internationalization of CiviCRM, too ;-)

Anonymous (not verified)
2017-06-22 - 09:29

Congratulations Mathieu! It's well-deserved.

Anonymous (not verified)
2017-06-26 - 04:50

Mathieu has been an incredible help to our company over the last two years and I wish him continued success in his new "official" capacity.

Anonymous (not verified)
2017-07-09 - 15:20

Congratulations Mathieu and the Core Team - Mat's a great community guy, always ready to help out with great code!