new user-group for the D-A-CH-region (germany, austria, switzerland)

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2011-07-27 07:41
Written by
Anonim (niezweryfikowany) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Good day all,

This is to let you know that we are starting a user group for the german speaking countries (aka germany, austria, switzerland). 

We have been using CiviCRM ourselves for some time and we have also brought it to work for a number of clients in Switzerland. However, we do feel that by bringing people together from the same language region we can accelerate the process of adapting CiviCRM to german. Moreover, any Swiss colleagues who have already cursed at the multilingual nature of our beautiful country might be interested to tackle this and other Swiss particularities within this group.


We are intending to have a first meetup in Zurich in September, provisional date is Wednesday, September 28th, towards the evening. Please save the date already. I will let you know asap, once the date is definitive.


Please comment here with your fields of interest or suggestions or mail to

Andi Freimueller


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ulimoebius1 (niezweryfikowany)
2011-07-29 - 16:17

Also in Germany some thinks happened last months around civicrm. see: