Announcing the Line Item Report Extension

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2016-01-13 07:35
Written by
Anonim (niezweryfikowany) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Imagine that you’ve created your event in CiviCRM and have built an exceptionally brilliant price set. Your participants have all the choices they need, special timed options manage themselves, and the registrations are rolling in. Now it comes time to see what everyone’s choices are. How do you do that? What report can I use to see a list of participants and all their choices together?

We initially answered this question for one of our clients by building a custom report. It laid out each participant with the important identifying info, price set choices in their own columns. With customized field labels, the report had exactly the information they were looking for. The problem was that their price set needed to change every year for this event, which meant manually tweaking the report each time. While the report provided the full list of participants and choices, it didn’t provide the option to see a subset of the participants or choices.

Enter the Line Item Report extension from Skvare. This extension provides line item reporting and allows column selection and filtering for price set fields. Report templates are provided for participants, memberships, and contributions. The report works by getting all the relevant price set fields for a specified event, membership type, or contribution page and provides them nicely grouped into accordions by price set.

To use the extension, download or clone the extension from the git repository at or via the CiviCRM Extension Directory (coming soon.). Visit the Manage Extensions page in your CiviCRM installation to install the extension, which will add the three report templates. Use the Create Reports from Templates option to create an instance of the report you need and make selections as needed. A notice will appear to remind you to filter by an event, membership type, or contribution page until one is selected.

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Sounds like a great addition. Thanks to all concerned in getting this built and released.

Maybe need to update the "Compatible with" to show 4.6? Also, since I just gave this a run and didn't exactly get what i expected, could you add a couple of screen shots? On a 4.6 system that has Membership Price Set I created a new report using Membership Line Items at civicrm/report/lineitem/membership but if I am meant to be able to specify the Price Set i want reported on, I am not seeing how I would do this. When I tried to save I got "DB Error: no such field" but that may be an issue with the site i was testing on.

I've adjusted that. Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks for the feedback. The original functionality was developed around the participant report, and it seems there were some artifacts from that in the other reports. I've updated the repo to fix that. In the case of both the filters and columns, you should see accordion sections for price sets that are alongside the custom field groups. Price sets are labeled accordingly.