Support CiviCRM,
and Grow Your Business
Earn a living by providing CiviCRM services to nonprofit organizations? Ready to give back and support the platform that adds to your bottom line? You’ve come to the right place.
By joining the community of CiviCRM experts as a partner you not only demonstrate your expertise, you also make a commitment to grow and sustain CiviCRM. That’s just good business.
Partner dues support the ongoing maintenance and development of the software and are applied to the general operations of the CiviCRM Core Team.

A small percentage* of your CiviCRM-related income will help us increase what we do while promoting your work.
* We encourage partners to give at least 3% of their CiviCRM income via partnership, or via a combination of partnership, make it happen campaigns and event sponsorship.
We want to see you blossom…
As partners, your success and our success depend on each other. As you move forward, so do we.
Apply to Join as a Partner
Partners are expert administrator, trainers and implementors of CiviCRM. They represent the very best of our provider ecosystem. We are honored to promote and recommend them. In order to be a CiviCRM partner, we have a few requirements in order that we ensure the highest of quality.
- You must be an active contributor in good standing within the community.
- You must have or demonstrate the equivalent of CiviCRM Administrator level training or higher.
- You must periodically provide case studies or success stories consistent with your partner type.
CiviCRM Partners are more than providers. They are key to sustaining the ecosystem overall and helping ensure the long term viability of CiviCRM as an incredible open source CRM. They give back as both financial supporters and as contributors because it's good for their business and it's good for the project. They get it.
CiviCRM Partners benefit for their support via promotion, via unique access to resources and via periodic discounts associated with community events and initiatives.
- Discounts on CiviCRM events
- Core Team rate discount
- Display on expert listings
- Promotion across social media
- Discounts on ESR, Spark and CiviAcademy
- Promotional content across CiviCRM websites
- Access to partner-only spaces on lab and chat
CiviCRM is California based Limited Liability Company. It is not a charity, though it operates as a not for profit organization. Financial support provided to CiviCRM is not tax deductible.