2014-01-31 08:55
Ixiam organized CiviDay in Barcelona. More than 20 people participated in this event that wanted to talk about the advantages of this free open source software.
The event took place in Fundación Migra Studium in Barcelona, a happy CiviCRM user. Migrastudium is a centre that works to protect the dignity and the rights of the most vulnerable immigrants. They do this by taking them in, giving them an education and advocacy.
The speakers of this event were Luciano Spiegel, with the collaboration of Rubén Pineda. The event had two parts. The first one was more teorical and the second one allowed the attendees to present their case so that the speakers could show them a demo with the possible solutions CiviCRM had to offer.
Those interested alongside users and implementers participated in this “Civi party” that had one main goal: to offer NGOs, foundations and oganizations the chance to learn more about CiviCRM, a tool that only looks to help them in their work and help them grow.

iXiam's team also presented Civi-Go, their CiviCRM hosted Service offered as SaaS with support in Spanish for all the spanish speaking community.
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