Join us in May for CiviCon 2025, presented by JMA Consulting, a grand celebration of CiviCRM's 20 years of serving non-profits, back in the town where it all started!
CiviCon 2025 will bring together professionals from organizations that use CiviCRM, agencies that support these organizations, and developers who create CiviCRM-related software.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn about exciting new developments in CiviCRM, and get connected with others in the community. Come learn, share, and connect!
Centered around the 2-day, 3-track conference itself, this series of events covers a 9-day period from May 19-27, including optional trainings plus a multi-day working retreat on the California coast.
Whether you're new to CiviCRM or a seasoned veteran, we've got something here for you:
- Pre-conference Admin Training: two days of training for CiviCRM administrators. May 19-20.
- CiviCon: the main event, presenting 2 full days of presentations and break-outs, across 3 tracks, to inform and empower organization leaders, system administrators, and developers. May 21-22.
- Code and Documentation Sprint, with Developer Training: a five-day residential retreat on the California coast, where we'll focus on improving and developing CiviCRM's features and documentation, and learn a lot along the way. May 23-27. Sprint participants can also opt-in for the two-day Developer Training on the first two Sprint days, May 23-24.
You're invited to any or all of these events. Here's what's in store:
CiviCon 2025
May 21-22

This is the main event, presenting 2 full days of presentations and break-outs, across 3 tracks, to inform and empower organization leaders, system administrators, and developers.
It’s a friendly affair, with plenty of opportunity to meet people and share tips about how to make the best use of our favourite CRM. We'll offer a range of workshops and presentations that showcase all aspects of CiviCRM, from user success stories, to novel use cases, to feature development in code.

The program is still being finalized, but you can get an idea of the experience from these comments by previous event attendees:
... a majority of the people there were ‘techies’ – programmers, developers, implementers – and I’m a volunteer, USER of CiviCRM! You can’t imagine a more diverse group of people all in one room. And yet, everyone I talked with was friendly and willing to share their knowledge.
... So, what would I say to someone who, like me, is looking at the next conference as a ‘first-timer’ and wondering ‘is it for me?’. I would say, you can’t lose. You’ll have a great experience, you’ll learn loads, you’ll be inspired to go to more CiviCRM events in the future and you will feel that you now belong to a community of people who you can keep in contact with, and who will be glad to support you and respond to your questions. I now have ‘friends’ from all over the world, including computer techies, charitable organisations and CiviCRM users who all want to make a difference to the world!”
-- Anne Smale, Dru UK
I didn't go to my first CiviCRM event for years - didn't see the point, I knew what I needed to know - I thought...
Then I went to one and now I try to go to as many as possible because it helped my understanding grow a lot - not just of the technical how-to stuff, but of how different organisations work, what they're trying to achieve etc. It's very easy to get siloed and rigid and miss out on the benefits of others' experience.
-- Rich Lott, https://artfulrobot.uk/
Reserve your seat:
Admin Training
May 19-20

Held in the two days before CiviCon, Admin Training is a comprehensive two-day, hands-on training course covering the configuration, administration, and everyday use of CiviCRM. This event is aimed at administrators and technical users at organizations that are either using CiviCRM already, or are considering it. It's also useful for staff at agencies that implement CiviCRM, who need a complete understanding of "out of the box" features and configuration options.
... our Association had been using CiviCRM for about three years. I learned an incredible amount about what could be done with CiviCRM during the two-day training that I could take back. Sharing with other people administering CiviCRM day in and day out about tips and tricks to overcome irritations was worth the cost in time savings. Equally useful was CiviCon itself, attending the sessions where CiviCRM developers showcased work they had done, and new extensions they were developing really helped us to see how we could customize CiviCRM to further support the goals of our association.
-- Helen Lamb, Belonging Network
Space is limited. Reserve your training now:
Residential Code & Documentation Sprint, with optional Developer Training
May 23-27

This is a five-day working retreat -- a friendly and welcoming event that provides an opportunity for you to get to know the rest of the CiviCRM community and contribute back to the project through code development and documentation improvements.
We've booked the entire facility at the Point Montara Lighthouse Hostel, just south of San Francisco on the California coast, so we'll have full use of sleeping rooms, event space, kitchen and dining areas, and outdoor spaces for the entire Sprint.
The Sprint

Sprints are ideal for making improvements to CiviCRM (both in code and in documentation), learning about the latest developments, and/or working on your pet project.
On top of that, there's no better way to build connections in the CiviCRM community. You can partner up with others on projects of your chosing, join a team to focus on specific areas of improvement, and enjoy relaxed downtime according to your preference. All in the context of comfortable (if not posh) accommodations, good food, and fun people.
For a first timer, it sounds daunting to go the CiviCRM code sprint. While I had worked with CiviCRM for a while ... I was wondering how I would contribute to the CiviCRM community during the sprint. ...
-- Maggie Epps, AGH Strategies
What has really struck me here has been the excitement of all the developers and implementers to help users reach their goals with CiviCRM. ... Everyone gets excited for nonprofits to deliver services better and compares stories about the great work organizations are doing with the software. It's inspiring to watch the way people collaborate, constantly growing and changing their ideas to make them fit as many situations as possible.
Sprint registrations include meals and accommodations for the length of your stay. The venue includes a mix of rooms, mostly ranging from 2-person rooms to 6-person rooms. Some single rooms may also be available. If you have a request for your own accommodations, mention them when you register, under "Additional needs/requests."
Reserve your residential sprint place now:
Developer Training available at the Sprint
May 23-24

Participants in the Sprint can also opt-in for Developer Training, a 2-day course catering to software developers who want to learn more about configuring, customizing, and extending CiviCRM to meet their organization / client needs.
Presented by members of the CiviCRM Core Team and other deeply experienced developers, these sessions will give you the information you need to begin creating highly customized functionality in your open-source CRM.
You don't need to have years of software development expereince to attend, but you should have basic PHP and MySQL skills, and be familiar with (or at least prepared to dive into) the CiviCRM codebase.
To reserve your spot at the Developer Training, be sure to select that option when registering for the Sprint: