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2008-05-29 10:37
Here's a description I first wrote a few months ago when I was tossing back and forth ideas to build this kind of system in a different context. I've adapted it a bit to suit the current terminology. I originally posted it in the forum, which is where I'd invite you to put your comments.
A case management system is basically a big table of activities, which come from various sources. The sources might include:
- humans entering them into a web form
- another system spitting out an event stream, which is then parsed, filtered and stored
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Hi andrew - have you given any thought as to how one might associate a milestone with a 'role' rather than a 'person' or an 'organisation'? I raise this because I can see several benefits from being able to associate information with a 'position' rather than with the 'individual' who holds that position at any one particular time. To this end I am trying to stimulate some debate around the notion of their being a new 'contact type' that is a 'role/position/office' - examples of these might be Principal of a School, Mayor of a City, Manager of a project - in all cases the information/data needs to be associated with the role, and persist with that role whenever the person in that role changes. You can see my wiki on the idea here (will duplicate this on the forum post too)