CiviCRM Statistics portal now available

2016-02-23 13:34
Written by
cividesk - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

As the CiviCRM community grows and is increasingly active, the need emerged to measure our work, our impact, our communications and many other aspects of this community in order to judge our progress and influence our roadmap. The CiviCRM statistics project was born.

Since it's inception, this effort has grown in scope and capabilities and now makes available real-time statistics on:

  • the users of CiviCRM (counted as 'sites' representing an active installation of CiviCRM),
  • key operational (# contacts, #transactions, ...) and technical metrics (server configuration) on these active installations,
  • CiviCRM downloads per day, including from which country,
  • metrics on software issues logged into our bug tracker,
  • and many more ...

All of these statistics are produced with the utmost respect for the privacy of our users and contributors: no identifying data of any sort is ever collected (not even IP addresses), these statistics are always presented as aggregates, values below certain thresholds are discarded, etc.

The CiviCRM Statistics portal, produced as part of the marketing team, now makes all of these statistics available with colored, interractive graphics and plenty of backgoround explanations. These statistics get refreshed every day with the latest data, so this is almost a real-time view on our community.

Come on, give it a try by going to, then answer this short quizz:

  • How many CiviCRM installations are there in Tanzania? Thailand? Peru?
  • How many CiviCRM extensions have been created and are in use today?
  • What is the second most popular language after English for CiviCRM?
  • Is anybody running CiviCRM with PHP 5.6? MariaDB or Persona Server?
  • What is the average number of issues opened every day on our tracker?

Fun? Watch for more as we expand these statistics to Stack Exchange, our financials and many other aspects of our thriving community.

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Awesome work CiviDesk - thank you for undertaking this and producing such a great looking set of data.

Thank you, Nicolas! This looks very nice.

Anonymous (not verified)
2016-02-25 - 02:41

Beautiful, thank you!

A helpful addition to this great tool would be numbers that indicate growth over time (if appropriate data is available).

Anonymous (not verified)
2016-02-25 - 09:09

Nice, I love numbers. Here's a fun observation - counting number of installs, the top 4 default countries are all english speaking and have a surprisingly similar number of installs per million population:

Country US Canada Aus UK
Installs 5132 621 428 1260
Million Pop. 318.8 35.16 23.13 64.1
Install/Million 16.1 17.7 18.5 19.7