Software für Engagierte e.V. launches annual CiviCamps in Germany

2018-12-17 23:34
Written by
Detlev - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

CiviCamps are casual, locally-organized one day events bringing together CiviCRM users, experts and those who want to discover what CiviCRM is and what it can do. This year, Software für Engagierte e.V., an association of CiviCRM users, came up with the plan to organize annual CiviCamps in Germany. 43 users, experts and interested organizations attended the first camp that took place November 15th in Halle (Saale).

The event location Peißnitzhaus Halle was the perfect place to have the camp: The small castle is currently restored for public use by a local non profit organization, which itself manages its contacts, donations and many more with CiviCRM. Even contracts for room rentals are produced automatically within CiviCRM. Beside a case study by the host there were nine further sessions. Unsurprisingly those concerning GDPR and the Mosaico extension were most requested. German Donation forms and SEPA direct debit met with great interest as well. Another good decision: Two more case studies and low-threshold overview sessions helped beginners discovering CiviCRM. Especially local organizations took advantage of this opportunity and had the chance to connect to experienced users and experts.

To sum up: After a successfull kick-off Software für Engagierte will hold its next CiviCamp in November 2019 - most probable this time in Hamburg. German speaking users might join the mailinglist at for updates.

Many thanks for Input and exchange to all participants and speakers from 5 Knoten CiviCRM Support Leipzig, Digitalcourage e.V., Meyer-Martin Consulting Services / Viva con Agua, Peißnitzhaus Halle e.V., Leipzig Community Foundation and SYSTOPIA Organisationsberatung. More information about Software für Engagierte: ...

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Anonymous (not verified)
2018-12-19 - 01:32

Excellent, sounds great! Glad it went well and the venue sounds brilliant!