Calling All Users of CiviGrant!

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2016-12-18 13:28
Written by
Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

I am interested in connecting with other users of CiviGrant. The Stack Exchange is great for specific questions, but I'd also like to:
- Share real-life examples of CiviGrant use (such as customizations and online grant application processes).
- Explore groups' interest in a Make-It-Happen campaign or other cost-sharing to improve CiviGrant and other components/extensions useful to grantmaking organizations.

If you are interested, please email with "CiviGrant" in the subject line. Here are some questions you could answer in your email to help us get acquainted and see where our CiviGrant needs overlap (my own answers are in brackets).

1)     What organization are you with?

[I’m with MRG Foundation: a grantmaking and fundraising foundation supporting Oregon’s racial justice/social justice movement for over 40 years.]

2)     Sense of scale: Around how many grants do you award each year?

[We awarded 207 in our last fiscal year, of which 62 went through an application process; the rest were donor-advised.]

3)     Do you accept online grant applications, and is that process integrated with CiviCRM?

[We don’t yet, but want to very soon.]

4)     What are some aspects of CiviGrant that you are interested in further developing?

[I’m interested in setting up online application acceptance; improvements to the grants tab, such as increasing to view over 50 grants, and ability to sort by date; custom reports; potential utilization of time widget for Decision Date field.]

5)     Are you working with a CiviCRM developer/contract person?

[We work with Korlon LLC as our primary CiviCRM go-to, with Joe Murray of JMA Consulting for CiviGrant customizations, and with other specialists as needed.]

I very much hope to connect with some of you. Thank you!