Prepare for CiviCRM 5.31 now - changes could affect customisations

2020-10-12 18:12
Written by
Eileen - member of the CiviCRM community and Core Team member - about the Core Team

Prepare for CiviCRM 5.31 now - changes could affect customisations

CiviCRM 5.31 has a change in it that is higher risk for those using extensions and other customisations on their sites than normal releases. The change alters the html we use to render buttons and potentially sites that have used CSS to alter button appearance or use javascript to interject when a button is clicked could be impacted (depending on how the code is done). 

We strongly encourage you to download the 5.31 rc  and test it on pages you have customised. As always we prioritise fixing any bugs you experience during the rc period. If you use any of the following extensions they have already merged fixes and we suggest you grab the latest version from github for testing


CDN tax receipts

Shoreditch (you should also apply this patch)

Please also note that from 5.31 if you are using shoreditch ONLY to support mosaico and have not enabled it’s look and feel you no longer need shoreditch as core has native support for bootstrap 3 pages now.


There was significant inconsistency in how buttons were presented in CiviCRM and due to the html it was hard for themers to make them look right.

Other changes

Given that the above change was made in 5.31 we wanted to try to consolidate changes that might impact themers into 5.31 so this release also contains an update to AngularJS as well as this accessibility fix

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Anonymous (not verified)
2020-10-12 - 22:12

Thank you for the heads up. Yo you already know if 5.31 will also be a security update?

No - there are no plans for concurrent security updates at this stage