CiviRules release 2.0 is available

2018-06-13 05:50
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

CiviRules 2.0 is now available for you all!

We (Jaap Jansma, Klaas Eikelboom and me) are about to complete a little CiviRules sprint of 2 days (funded by CiviCooP). We have fixed quite a few issues, closed some that we thought were not applicable any more, introduced a few new conditions and actions and updated the documentation. And we are about to round it off with the new release CiviRules 2.0 and moving our repository to the CiviCRM GitLab server. We expect to do this tonight or tomorrow morning.

So what is new in CiviRules? Here is a comprehensive list of what we did:

  • removed all the managed entities for CiviRules actions, conditions and triggers and replaced them with inserts. We have also removed the existing records in civicrm_managed. This solved quite a few reported issues

  • added 3 conditions to be used with Events:

    1. Event Type

    2. Participant Role

    3. Participant Status

  • removed the managed entities from the Email API, the PDF API and the SMS API

  • added an option to select a location type for an email address in the Email API

  • added a Contact condition Contact Lives in (one of) Country(ies)

  • made sure the contact trash and restore are properly handled in CiviRules

  • removed a bunch of notices

  • removed an obsolete file

  • replaced some deprecated calls to CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getLabel

  • refactored all conditions to use the doesWorkWithTrigger function instead of the requiredEntities function, and updated the documentation to reflect this

  • fixed the Tag action so that it uses the Tag tree

  • done some small stuff on the side.

It w

All this in the wonderfull workspace at The Workstation in Arnhem. Great tables, desk, chairs, wifi, sofa, coffee tea and lunches! For those of you that like a wee bit of Dutch: we had Stille Kracht, Rouwdouwer, Nieuwsgierig Aagje and Twijfelaar for lunch. And the spicy Mexican tomato soup was pretty awesome too.......



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Anonymous (not verified)
2018-06-17 - 04:49

Hi  guys, couldn't test it yet but thanks a lot already.

What I missed in the post was where we can get it and how to install (or a link to the documentation)

Thanks in advance for letting me and others know.

Sounds great!

Could you expand on what you mean by an insert in the context of removing managed entities? What is the difference between an insert trigger and an insert condition?  Thanks!

Hi Joe,

what we mean is that in the extension we added CiviRules Conditions, Actions and Triggers (check the CiviRules documentation if this does not mean anything to you) with managed entities. We have now removed the managed entities and replace them with INSERT queries. So the CiviRules Conditions, Actions and Triggers that are added with the install of the extension are added with an INSERT query. Does that make a little more sense?

Anonymous (not verified)
2018-06-18 - 15:52

I'm a big fan of plain English.

It would help if you added this line to the beginning of the post "CiviRules is an extension that allows rules based actions, like automatically adding a contact to a group when he/she contributes more than xxxx."

So people can understand what the rest that follow means.

You may want to add a list of actions that can be triggered via rules as well.


Apologies for my apparently unplain English, I thought I was doing pretty well for a non-native speaker :-)