CiviRules upgrading and automated testing

2017-02-28 00:40
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Some of you will know, use and might even love the CiviRules extension. We certainly do! Quite a few of the organizations we support with their CiviCRM stuff use and love it, and judging by the question on StackExchange and issues and pull requests on GitHub quite a few more do too!

This is wonderful! But it also means that quite a few organizations are faced with the challenge of keeping CiviRules up to date with the latest CiviCRM versions. And want to make sure the functionality remains the same whenever new upgrades or little fixes to CiviCRM happen. So we think it would be nice if we were able to:

  • ensure CiviRules is compatible with the latest and greatest core CiviCRM
  • add a bunch of automated unit tests to CiviRules that would be run together with the core automated tests so we immediately know about bugs or software conflicts when something changes in core.

To make this possible we need funding. Initially some funding to make sure that CiviRules is 4.7 compatible and add a few unit tests, and ideally funding to continue doing this. We have contacted the organizations we know use CiviRules, and already have some commitment from a couple to start work on the 4.7 part. However, we know there are more CiviRules users out there! And there is a big chance you are interested in keeping CiviRules up to date and also in having it be part of the automated testing. And you might be willing to contribute to make this happen. If this is the case, drop either me (erik dot hommel at civicoop dot org) or Jaap (jaap dot jansma at civicoop dot org) a mail? Once we have an idea of the actual organizations interested we can plan ahead and think of ways of managing this (probably a fund that is administered by one of the interested organizations).


Anonymous (not verified)
2017-03-21 - 14:37

Hi Erik!

I added a first UT that never got merged: