Put on your clogs: CiviCamp NW Europe will be held in the capital of the Netherlands: Amsterdam in May 2019! Register now!
The event will take place on Monday, 13th of May, in Amsterdam at the Impact Hub, Linnaeusstraat 2C, 1092 CK Amsterdam.
It will be followed by a 4 day Sprint in Bennekom, Nivon House Bosbeek, Bosbeekweg 19-21, 6721 MH Bennekom
During the Sprint there will be a 2 day Developer's training: Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May from 09.30 till 4.30 pm.
CiviCamps are one day events covering everything related to CiviCRM. They are a great opportunity to learn about CiviCRM and what it can do for your organisation, meet other CiviCRM users, partners and Core Team members and gather their feedback, learn advanced strategies for managing your online database, ask any questions you might have, share tips and build connections!
This event will offer the opportunity to meet the CiviCRM community and share experiences and knowledge with other organisations that use CiviCRM.
CiviCamps always attract a variety of people, from new and existing users to developers to organisations interested in learning more about how CiviCRM could work for them. All are welcome.
CiviCamp will be followed by a CiviCRM sprint from 14th to 17th May 2019 in Bennekom, Netherlands. The idea is to have as many community members present as possible so we can make good progress on writing code, improving the books and having a good time!
During the sprint you can work on something of your own chose but if you don’t know what you want to work on below a couple of topics which might happen at a sprint.
The Developer’s Training is for users who want to increase their programming skills and have more control over their CiviCRM database, to better understand the components and how to customise the site. This comprehensive two-day hands on training course is targeted at developers who want to learn more about configuring, customizing, and extending CiviCRM to meet their organization / client needs. You don’t need to be a ‘developer’ to attend but you should have basic PHP and MySQL skills, and be familiar with (or at least ready to dive into) the CiviCRM code base.
CiviCamp: € 49,00
CiviSprint and / or Developer’s Training: € 199,00
CiviCamp AND CiviSprint: € 230,00
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Betty Dolfing (betty.dolfing@civicoop.org) or Jaap Jansma (jaap.jansma@civicoop.org)
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