Blog posts by jaapjansma

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By jaapjansma Filed under Drupal 7

After the socialist party upgraded civicrm to version 4.6 a month ago they are experiencing performance issues. In this blog I will round up our quest for performance improvements. But before that some facts about their installation.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Community

My first introduction to the community was at a training in Gent in 2013. The training was given by Xavier and Erik Hommel. And they did a very good job because I am still part of the community.

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By jaapjansma Filed under CiviEvent, Extensions

I have just published an extension we (CiviCooP) developed for Coordinatie Vluchtelingen Vrijwilligers Ede (CVVE) CVVE is facilitating the organisation of activities for refugees in Ede. Many activities are organised by willing citizens and CVVE is the bridge between those citizens and the refuees.

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By jaapjansma Filed under CiviMember, Extensions

The last year I have been working with the Socialistic Party to implement CiviCRM for their membership administration. Whilst doing that we developed some small extensions which makes life easier for them with their membership administration. In this blog post I want to give an overview of the extensions we have developed and what they do.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute, CiviMember, Finance and Accounting

Odoo is an open source accounting software. With much more features than only accounting, such as warehouse management, project management, HR management etc.

CiviCRM is an open source software for non-profit and is great in membership management, donor management etc.

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By jaapjansma Filed under API, Extensions

This week we have been working for MAF Norway to automate the sending of SMS, E-mail and PDF creation. What we have done in the past for them is that we created a Trigger/Action module to automate their donor journeys. The actions in the trigger/action module are API calls. But what was missing up-to-today was to functionality to send e-mail, or to create a PDF Letter or send an SMS by invoking an API Call.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute, Extensions

Last week I have been working for MAF Norge to connect CiviCRM to their SMS Gateway (PsWinCom) so that they can send and receive SMS from within CiviCRM. In addition PsWinCom offered a the possibility to send SMS which will charge the receiver an amount of money. This way MAF Norge used to receive SMS donations. Now they can do that from within CiviCRM.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Documentation, Extensions

One of the requirements in a project I am working at the moment was that the client wanted to enter when an adress becomes active. E.g. a member says he is moving by the 1st July 2015 (which is in the future). From that moment the member should be contacted by that address and till that moment the old address is the active address.

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By jaapjansma Filed under CiviContribute, Community, Extensions, Sprints

Today a new blog post about the progress of the implementation of Donor Journeys into CiviCRM. The route we are taking is that we want to create a trigger/action extension for civicrm because most the donor journey automation is based on a trigger/action. e.g. payment coming in resulting in a thank you SMS a day later. 

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By jaapjansma Filed under CiviContribute, Community, Extensions, Sprints

Yesterday I wrote a blog about the first day in the sprint for the donor journeys. I have discussed that we are focussing on a trigger/action extension to automate most of the donor journeys. I wrote a bit about the internal working and the data structure of this extension. 

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