Wordpress CiviMember Role Sync Plugin

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2012-10-03 07:46
Written by
Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Hello There,

I'm pleased to announce the CiviMember Role Sync  Plugin for WordPress is available now.

This Plugin has the same functionality as CiviMember Roles Sync module in Drupal.The Plugin checks the Membership details when the user login/logout and  update the WordPress Role  according to the Rules set in Association Rules .The manual synchronize option is also available.It has one more field to set Expiry Role ie, assign role if the membership is expired.

To download the plugin please click the following link https://github.com/jeevajoy/Wordpress-CiviCRM-Member-Role-Sync

Please read the README.md  for the Installation Instructions.


Jag Kandasamy.


Filed under


Anonymous (not verified)
2012-10-03 - 14:46

Hi.  May I ask what roles are your members assigned?

How do you handle CiviCRM permissions for your users once they are logged in?  Who can do what in CiviCRM with their user account?

Anonymous (not verified)
2012-10-04 - 02:37

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

We haven't assigned any default WordPress Role.Instead we created a new role called 'Member' and assigned to Members.To add new role in WordPress  you must have this  Members Plugin.

Regarding CiviCRM/WordPress Permissions please follow this blog http://civicrm.org/blogs/rajesh/wordpress-access-control Rajesh has developed the Permissioning System and it has been integrated with the CiviCRM Core in 4.3




Anonymous (not verified)
2012-10-04 - 02:29

Regarding CiviCRM/WordPress Permissions please follow this blog http://civicrm.org/blogs/rajesh/wordpress-access-control

Rajesh has developed the Permissioning System and it has been integrated with the CiviCRM Core in 4.3

To add new role in WordPress  you must have this  Members Plugin.


