CiviCon Cologne 2017

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2017-05-12 07:56
Written by
Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

CiviCon Cologne coming soon!

Less than one month and the CiviCon NW Europe will start for the first time in Germany. We are proud (and a bit nervous) to be the host this year, but we are sure that you will be well entertained by the different sessions. Around the conference, there will be a user training for beginners and a three-day sprint for those who can't get enough of CiviCRM... If you are not registered for the conference or one of the other events yet, you can do it here.

So at the 9th of June we meet in Cologne in the Alte Feuerwache. We are going to have many sessions in parallel tracks so different audiences may visit suitable presentations throughout the day, no matter if newbie, user, implementers or developer. There will also be Lightning Talks for anyone who has something small to share with the community. Be it a little extention you made or discovered, a tweak or trick, a heads-up for fellow users, the CiviCRM features that stuns you the most - the stage is yours for 5 minutes.

If you are nosy to get more information about the conference or you want to see the full program and session details, visit CiviCon Cologne.

We look forward to see many well known and surely also new faces!



Last, but not least CiviCon Cologne is made possible by its sponsors: CiviCoop (Gold), SYSTOPIA (Gold), Compucorp (Gold), and Software für Engagierte (Silver).

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