CiviCRM at Joomla Dev Camp

2009-10-31 07:27
Written by
lcdweb - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
Joomla has a developers camp scheduled for Dec. 5-6 in New York City, geared primarily toward an introduction to Joomla 1.6. Details and event registration are found here: (note the reg form uses Civi for event info/registration!). We are looking to put together a team of Joomla+CiviCRM developers to attend and work together at the camp. I will be attending, as will Lobo from the core team, and Elin Waring (Open Source Matters). If you are interested in attending, please register and let us know. We may try to put together an IM mtg or conference call in advance to talk about what could potentially be accomplished at the meeting toward improving Joomla+Civi integration. The event extends into Monday and we plan on spending at least the first half of monday on a code sprint towards improving Joomla integration. So please do plan on staying till monday mid-afternoon. Some potential projects are:
  • Improve the upgrade process and simplify the install process
  • Expose CiviCRM ACL's to Joomla
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Anonymous (not verified)
2009-11-01 - 05:47

I am very interested in this but cant make the dev conference.
Because of the new ACLs in Joomla I am feeling a bit stuck on whether to code/commission something for Joomla 1.5.14 or wait til 1.6 The need is now-ish but I would be interested in co-sponsoring planned integrations for 1.6, especially in the area of Civi membership/groups having access to acl restricted Joomla content.

alanski (alan - ata joomkit dotty com)

Anonymous (not verified)
2009-11-09 - 23:00

but don't think I'll be able to make the trip just now - given I am on the other side of the world.

Perhaps a couple of us "down under" could jump onto IRC and contribute that way?