Did that Scheduled Reminders get delivered or did it bounce? And what was in those Receipts and Invoices?

2017-10-05 15:30
Written by
petednz - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Have you ever wondered whether those Event or Membership Reminders actually get delivered?

And what about those automatic Receipts that go out? Ever wished you could see what the heck was actually being sent?

Well now you can thanks to Fuzion's new extension for transactional mail.

With the help of funding from Agileware (Canberra, Australia), several Fuzion clients, and Fuzion's own contribution, we have put a couple of our extensions in to a single bundle to bring these goodies to a wider audience.

By default CiviCRM only performs bounce handling when sending via CiviMail, but not when sending transactional emails such as scheduled reminders, event registrations, contribution receipts and the like. This extension addresses that limitation.

How is this happening?

This extension creates a pseudo-CiviMail named "Transactional Emails" which transactional emails are attached to. 

Bounce reporting, delivery, open and click tracking should work as per regular CiviMails.

But wait, there is more.

Standard CiviCRM has no record of what was sent out. This extension now creates an Activity whenever a Receipt or Invoice is sent, so you have a  record, and you can track whether it was delivered or if the email address needs checking. 

Hope you find this useful.


We welcome contributions and bug reports via the the nz.co.fuzion.transactional issue queue. Paid support is available if required - contact us.


Anonymous (not verified)
2017-10-16 - 11:00

Nice work, Pete. Thanks for sharing!