A few weeks ago, I went to CiviCon. As a fairly new end-user, this was an incredible experience. Not only did I learn an insane amount of information and receive a wonderful training at the User and Admin training, but I got to interact with other people that use CiviCRM in the same way I do.
Blog posts by Anonymous
A small but very enthusiastic group came. We decided to move the meetup to the second Wednesday of each month. The location may alternate between Clearwater and Plant City, FL. Each person described their use of CiviCRM and many questions were asked and answered. Don Latshaw, fresh from CiviCon in SF presented "What's new in 4.3". There was an equal mix of Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress users. The next meetup will be June 12th and we'll look at CiviCase in depth.
G2 Crowd http://www.g2crowd.com/ is a web site that describes itself as providing business software reviews.
We have seen two recent breakthroughs for people who want to spend more time on implementing awesome websites and less time fiddling with hosting.
This Meetup was kindly hosted by Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research, at their office in Holborn.
Jamie Novick (of Compucorp) demonstrated CiviMail as a mass means of communicating by email and SMS.
The attached chart came out of a discussion between Kasia Wakarecy, Lola Slade and myself (Lynna Landstreet), at Freeform Solutions, about some issues we'd encountered when trying to to do major version upgrades of CiviCRM and Drupal on a client's site at the same time. Since we're likely to have a number of other combined upgrades like that to do in the future, we wanted to iron out the best process for doing them as smoothly as possible.
During the last few hours of the Civi Sprint in London, Jen (who is new to Civi) and I had a look at some basics on the CiviCRM website (civicrm.org) and have identified some problems and possible solutions. Noting too radical mind and most involve minimal changes to the actual content as that's perhaps for a later date.
We're fortunate to find Sir Civi in the midst of the Bug Smithing Weekend, and get a quick interview from him while his horse is being watered. So how's it going ?
Sir Civi: "Twenty two. So far, that is. Nasty creatures, them Bugs. Spoil the fun for everyone. Lurking in a piece of code that noone tested, popping up at the least opportune moment (like when you're doing a demo). Takes the fun out of moving to the next release."