CiviDay Paris 2016

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2016-02-29 07:13
Written by
Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
Cividesk was happy to host another CiviDay in Paris, France with the collaboration of Talcod, an open source web agency dedicated to non-profit organizations.

We had about 20 participants, half of them totally new to CiviCRM, who came to discover more about the open source software. Other participants were either already involved in CiviCRM projects, current end-users or preparing to begin using CiviCRM.

Talcod presented a case study from a customer in the health sector who uses CiviCRM for managing Memberships and Events.

We answered a lot of questions from participants and enjoyed good conversation and networking during a more casual setting with refreshments at the end of the session.

Feel free to contact Valérie at for more info, and join us for our next Meetup!    


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