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By yashodhaFiled under

The team is excited to announce the first stable for CiviCRM 3.3.0  – it is now available for download. You can also try it out on the public Drupal demo or Joomla demo sites. 

We strongly recommend going through 3.3 highlights post, where you will find out what’s new and hot in this release.


What's new?

Quick list of most prominent new features and improvements in this realease:

First version of new CiviCampaign component, it includes initial support for Canvassing, Surveys and Petitions. Advanced search extended to show objects other than contacts (and object related actions) - including activities, contributions, etc. Serious dedupe performance improvements. First take on extension mechanism for CiviCRM, allowing creation and distribution of plugins (payment processors, custom search, custom report templates for now). New case and grant reports. Better "session" management support for CiviEvent. First version of database logging, so you will be able to see who changed what and when. Address sharing between any two contacts.

...and plenty more. Make sure you go through 3.3 highlights post to find out more about what's coming.

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By Eileen Filed under CiviContribute, CiviMember

As 3.3. goes live it’s great to see a couple of Make-it-Happen initiatives included in it. The Make-it-Happen initiative was born out of my frustration at the difficulties of getting things into CiviCRM that were useful for everyone but not funded by any ONE organisation.


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By Anonymous Filed under Extensions

Since Target Integration released CiviSync - CiviCRM Outlook Synchronization Addon in April this year, I have seen a lot of people asking about it and thanks to those who tested it and provided their feedback. Initial CiviSync was developed for CiviCRM version 2.2 and Outlook 2003/2007.

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By ErikHommelFiled under

For our project at De Goede Woning we have been developing a data synchronization process between CiviCRM and their main transaction system in Oracle (comparable with an ERP). Some data for a contact (first name, middle name, last name, gender and birth date), phones, emails and addresses will be common between the two, so a change, create or delete in CiviCRM will have to be synchronized with the main transaction system and vice versa.


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By Anonymous Filed under Architecture, Drupal 7

This is a summary of ideas from this forum topic, , and discussion should continue here.


I'm working on a CiviCRM/Drupal installation for an organization that puts on workshops and houses and feeds people for the duration of the workshops.  CiviCRM's built-in way of handling price sets as flat lists of options and prices, doesn't quite do what we want.


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By AnonymousFiled under

WeGov has recently launched a state and congressional "contact congress" tool that is integrated into CiviCRM.


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By JoeMurray Filed under Drupal 7, Extensions

Check out the PowerPoint presentation for a review of Drupal modules for CiviCRM

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By AllenShaw Filed under CiviReport

This has come up a couple of times before. According to my chat with Lobo today, not much is happening on this front. Since our client at Two Mice and a Strawberry has a need for this, we're diving in head first this week. Hopefully we'll have something that's worth contributing to core. Please comment below if you have any thoughts on the ideas presented here.

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By colemanw Filed under CiviCase, Drupal 7, Extensions, Schools
A few months ago as our organization was just starting to use CiviCRM, Dave Greenberg recommended that we look at CiviCase as a solution for our admissions team to keep track of prospective students. As a collection of activities associated with a client, CiviCase looked like a great way to record our interactions with potential students as we made initial contact, followed up, received communication from them, sent more info, and then accepted their applications. From a DB point of view, yes, it is a nearly perfect way to store that information. But from a UI point of view, we had a long way to go before our admissions team would be able to painlessly get the data in, work with and update it once it was there, and then be able to get it back out in the form of reports. Here's what we did to make that happen (and more!):
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By Anonymous Filed under Meetups

This past Monday, the 18th of October 2010, a group of about 10 people gathered for Toronto's fifth ever CiviCRM Users' Group Meetup. The turnout was up significantly from last month, and we look forward to growing the local community even more. In future, we'll make sure to post clear and detailed directions to the location to ensure everyone who wants to come can find us!


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