In May of 2013, Michael McAndrew initiated a blog post about the Core Team’s efforts to make CiviCRM sustainable. Two years later, we’re still on that path and sustainability remains our goal.
"When you donate and download, you make the statement to the entire community that CiviCRM is a vital, open source platform worth supporting. Nearly 10,000 organizations count on CiviCRM & on your support."
Now that CiviCon 2015 is over, it is a good time to reflect on the people we met and the great new things we learned. I attended the CiviCon conference as well as two full days of training prior to the event. Joining me in Denver were designer Kurt Thomas and front-end developer (and former organizer) Phillip Kent Knight from the Los Angeles LGBT Center, a Black Brick Software client organization.
Great to read all the feedback from CiviCon Denver and the sprint in the blogs and on social media. It confirms that CiviCon is THE conference where users, developers, supporters and fans of CiviCRM meet each other, share knowledge and swap stories. It is the best spot to get inspired and gain insights into the possibilities of CiviCRM!
We have just completed the fourth day of the sprint. Progress reports are in from all of the teams and much progress has been made.
Cividesk propose régulièrement des sessions de formation en ligne en français, sur les principaux composants de CiviCRM (Contacts, Evénements et Contributions), ainsi que des webinars "Découverte de CiviCRM".
We are half way through Sprint Day 1 and everyone seems to be busy at work! This is my first Sprint and so far I am very impressed. The focus at this Sprint is on 4.6 documentation, payment processors, translations, extensions reviews, and improving installation process. I am excited to have installed a sandbox version of 4.6, created 3 pull requests (my first ever!!) and completed documentation on repeating activities in 4.6.
In honour of CiviCon 2015, iATS Payments excited to announce a new referral program to help spread the word about using the iATS Payments extension for CiviCRM!
Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM classes (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions) during the month of May for new users and those in need of a refresher course. Click here for more information on all classes or email