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By artfulrobot Filed under Schools, Teams, Tips

This goes out to CiviCRM users (yes YOU too!), admins and developers.

A key productivity tool in my day to day life is a set of Q&A websites called Stack Exchange. They have different sites for all sorts, from programming through to parenting(!). Typically, I'm on the programming ones usually, but stay with me, this isn't about to get technical.

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

We are excited to announce the release of CiviHR 1.4 stable - a version that is all about increased usefulness of existing modules based on feedback from our valued nonprofit partners. A very special thank you to Katherine Causton from UK Youth, Jane Doughty from Farm Africa, Aparna Patil and Archana Bagra from SNEHA, and Bhavini Goswami and Amit Shah from AKRSPI for some great suggestions! 

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is super excited to announce that the second stable release of CiviCRM 4.5 is now available for downloading.

Download Now, and you can also test drive the release on each platform using the public demos:

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By Anonymous Filed under Training

Ces sessions collectives sont destinées à de nouveaux utilisateurs de CiviCRM, ou à des utilisateurs ponctuels souhaitant rafraichir leurs connaissances.

Elles durent 2 heures, et laissent un temps de Questions/Réponses sur la formation.

La session sur les Contacts est un pré-requis pour la session sur les Evénéments.

Pour plus de renseignements, et pour vous inscrire en ligne : 

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By ayduns Filed under Sprints

As we approach the end of the Edale sprint, there's a lot been happening this week.  We have had 30 people here for various parts of the week averaging 20 people each day with most people staying in a large old house and a few in a nearby cottage.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions, Sprints

Last year we worked together with MAF Norway on the TriggerAction extension to help them with their fundraising donor journeys. They were able to find some initial funding so we developed like mad for a week to be able to start. The TriggerAction extension was a result of that hard work, and MAF Norway presented this at the London CiviCon on 25th September 2014.

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By Anonymous Filed under CiviEvent, Documentation, Sprints

After the excitement of CiviCon with new features and extensions being discussed, the Civi Sprinters are hard at work improving and finalising these for release, as well as discussing future plans. 

However not all of us can bask in the glory of cool features and improvements. The documentation team have been hard at work attempting to improve the Civi Book.

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By Anonymous Filed under Case studies and user stories, Marketing and Promotion, Tips

Chicago agency SocialRaise explains how to combine a $120,000 Google Grant with the power of CiviCRM. Imagine having an online marketing budget of $120,000 handed to your organization. That, in combination with landing pages created with CiviCRM and the tools to segment and organize your communications, will enable your nonprofit to reach more people, increase volunteers and drive fundraising efforts.

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By alejandro_salgado Filed under CiviCon, Community, Sprints
Surrounded by a spectacular environment, Edale is definetely a great choice for this year's Sprint. Yesterday (Sunday) we spend some time with setup, mastering our English-Pool skills and welcoming to the 20+ sprinters that arrived during the day. Before Craig's great dinner we had a brief meeting about logistics in general and how we were going to organize ourselves to have a productive sprint.  
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