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By lcdweb Filed under Joomla

A number of forum posts popped up over the last week+ with issues running the system cron job. The cron would report the user/password is incorrect and unable to authenticate, even though the credentials were correct. The issues started to arise around the time v4.4.4 was released so most people thought it was due to changes in that release.

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By totten Filed under Architecture, CiviCase

(This post is a follow-up to previous discussions about developing recruitment functionality for CiviHR.

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By Eileen Filed under Community

As many of you know Drupal South is on next week in Wellywood. We don't have a big community down under but we are certainly keen to make you feel welcome in NZ

We will be running BOFs over the weekend & catching up for dinner on the Thursday night.

If you are still around on the Monday & Tuesday we might look at a mini sprint. Drop us a line & say hello!

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By colemanw Filed under Release announcements, Security Releases

There has just been a security advisory for CiviCRM. We recommend you immediately upgrade to one of the following newly released versions:

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

We are reviewing the extension Relationship Permissions as ACLs, which has been made available by Eileen McNaughton from Fuzion ( Kudos to Eileen and Fuzion for sharing the extension!

What does it do

The extension sets permissions for contacts based on the relations permission.It is a bit complicated......did we get it correctly Eileen?

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

This time we had a look at the Extended Mailing Stats extensions, that was contributed by Andrew MacNaughty. The extension is used by the Australian Greens ( More information on the extension can be found on

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By Anonymous Filed under CiviMember

Our organization has been using (and loving) CiviCRM for almost a year now, but we initially had issues getting the membership history to easily capture the full range of detail needed.  Our members often lapse from year to year, and because Civi’s natural process is to renew a single membership record instead of creating multiple, this caused us some problems.  When discussing our experience and solution at various events, we found there was a lot of interest, so the purpose of thi

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By Anonymous Filed under CiviDay

I ‘discovered’ CiviCRM at the end of last year. Looking for an open source software for non-profit organizations. So, January 29th was my first CiviDay, the first meeting with CiviUsers and the people of CiviCoop. A half-day meet up, well organized bij CiviCoop in Apeldoorn. Informal and intriguing. All about to learn more about CiviCRM. I am impressed by the functionality that CiviCRM offers.

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By Anonymous Filed under CiviDay

CiviDay in Bristol was an especially extended meet-up so we could run our Bristol themed Prezi introductory seminar for the first time to all the new attendees, nearly everybody was new!). Most of our usual attendees had made their apologies, but we still had twice the normal number. We had biscuits and fruit (which was a first) and a much larger room than we normally use for meet-ups.

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