Here Comes Webform Integration 2

2011-06-06 15:23
Written by
colemanw - member of the CiviCRM community and Core Team member - about the Core Team

Fans of Webform CiviCRM Integration will be happy to hear that version 2 is now available for testing. And if you're not already a fan of that module, this might put you over the edge.

With version 1, you were able to:

  • Create/update a single Individual via webform
  • Log a simple activity for that contact when the form was submitted
  • Allow the user to opt-in to groups
  • Tag contacts

Version 2 take that to a whole new level, giving you the ability to:

  • Expose a virtually unlimited number of contacts per webform (so your users can enter their entire family, team, etc. on a single form).
  • It handles any type of contact, and supports multiple addresses, emails, phones, websites, and custom fieldgroups per contact.
  • Create Relationships between the multiple contacts on the form!
  • It also exposes activity fields to the webform.

This means that complex, multistep application and enrollment systems, formerly out of reach for most CiviCRM users, are now something your organization can impliment without writing any code.

Please help this project get out of beta by downloading and trying out the latest 2.x dev.

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Anonymous (no verificat)
2011-06-06 - 22:19



Sounds more and more like something I'll use instead of profiles.


Is it/would it be possible to use the webform to modify an existing contact instead of "simply" create a new one?


Also, is it possible to put a constant (defined by the webform) into a field? eg I'd like to put "school enrolment 2012" into the source field.



Yes, the current work on the ARMS project is for editing a contact and related activity. So now you can just pass the ids in the url and the webform will load those entities for editing.

I'm working more on allowing for values to be set behind-the-scenes. So far this is possible with location type and phone type. Hope to do more soon. Just out of curiosity, what entity were you thinking of for a "source" field? Participant?

When contacts are added manually, I tell users to put an info on the source where they met/why they are on the db (eve's party, meeting at wiki, presenter at civicon, a-team list...)


Unfortunately, civi doesn't do it when it creates contact even so it has the context of the creation (eg event XXX registration, donation campain YY, account creation...)


Say I use the form for a recruitment for a lead singer, I would can to create a contact for each that fill the form, and I want to add in the source "lead singer recruitment form".


So in 6 months time, if my drummer bump into Allen Zimmerman, it won't be all "where the f** does this guy come from". He's see the source, see that's a singer and won't care. (Drummers are not super polite and mine isn't into folk ;)



I'm dying to let the participants modify their record (cause one forgot to mention she doesn't like pork, or want to cancel after all...)


And beside the id (awesome) does it handle already the checksum ?


... in the ARMs project. Working nicely at the moment for the contact, Coleman is working on permissioning fix to have it work for the activity object which is also referenced in the GET params (aid=NNN).

Anonymous (no verificat)
2011-06-08 - 13:35

I've been testing this for the ARMs project (big round of applause to Tim and John at ARMS Athletics Software for stepping up and helping to fund some of the great work that Coleman as doing). The use cases involve sending out reminder emails with links to WebForms configured to update existing contact + existing activity record (including activity custom fields). Setting up the WebForm to do this was super easy - and things are working really nicely. I think this will be a really powerful new option for front-end Civi data creation and editing on Drupal-based sites!

This module can now create relationships between the multiple contacts on a webform. Cheers!