Blog posts by ErikHommel

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

I have just finished the development of a new extension for PUM ( - thank you!!) to be able to add a coordinator (with start and end date) to a tag. I have added the extension to the extension directory (

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By ErikHommel Filed under Community, Extensions

I think I saw the first demo of the CiviCRM extension dataviz after the post-CiviCon London sprint. Xavier Dutoit had been working real hard on this, and Hannelore and me were very impressed! The possibilities are great, and data visualization is IMO so much better than numbers on a report! Data becomes so much more alive.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories

We still have to do a really good showcase, but I do quickly want to share some encouraging figures from the MAF Norge CiviCRM implementation with you:

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviContribute, Community, Extensions

A final blog about our Donor Journey sprint with Steinar and Helen from MAF Norge. Or I should really say our sprint on CiviCRM Trigger Action. We set out to at least create the first basic version of the engine to automatically do stuff based on stuff in CiviCRM :-) Some kind of mechanism that would allow MAF Norge to automatically move donors into specific groups once they have contributed for the first time or set up a recurring payment for example.

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviContribute, Community

Third webinar can be found on

Latest news: second webinar can be viewed on

First webinar can be viewed on

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

We are reviewing the extension Relationship Permissions as ACLs, which has been made available by Eileen McNaughton from Fuzion ( Kudos to Eileen and Fuzion for sharing the extension!

What does it do

The extension sets permissions for contacts based on the relations permission.It is a bit complicated......did we get it correctly Eileen?

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

This time we had a look at the Extended Mailing Stats extensions, that was contributed by Andrew MacNaughty. The extension is used by the Australian Greens ( More information on the extension can be found on

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By ErikHommelFiled under

Last week we had a really inspiring meeting about fundraising Donor Journeys and CiviCRM in London. Or I should say we had an unconference (check …..) . It took me a while to get to writing this blogpost as times are a bit busy but here we are!

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

I have selected this extension to review because the description looked really cool! So it made me curious.

Cividesk sync for Google Apps

More information on the extension is here : The module has been developed by Nicolas Ganivet from Cividesk. I have reviewed version 1.0 of the extension.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

So here is the first one, review of an extension! I have selected this one because we recently used it in a project and expect to use if many times in the future. Each review subject can score a maximum of 5 stars (brilliant) and a minimum of 1 star (not very nice). We thought a review should be easy to read and concise, so we decided we limit ourselves to max 3-5 sentences per subject.

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