Blog posts by Anònim

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By Anònim Filed under GSoC

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Hi, I'm Siddhant Rajagopalan, a second year undergraduate student studying CSE from IIT Bombay.

I am currently working on improving the usability of CiviMail as my GSoC 2014 project. We are at around the midterm stage of the project, this post is to get feedback on the progress made.

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By Anònim Filed under Meetups, Training

Want to learn how to use CiviCRM/PowerBase to raise more money for your mission? Then join PTP On July 31 and August 1 in Baltimore. We'll spend two days learning how to be more effective in raising money. This training will help you develop an integrated grassroots fundraising approach for your organization.

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By Anònim Filed under GSoC

As I have been working to customize CiviCRM CSS to Bootstrap CSS. In the process, to change labels like input text, dropdowns I have made changes in \civicrm\packages\HTML\QuickForm\input.php , But found that this is not the correct way to customize because if HTML-QuickForm is updated the entire changes to the code will be lost .

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By Anònim Filed under GSoC

I want to share some midterm updates regarding my GSOC 14 project- Bootstrap for CiviCRM

As many suggested that both the original UI of Civi and Bootstrap UI should co-exist, I took form elements as the basis and tried on re-working from original UI to Bootstrap UI and I have had some success in doing that.

Task 1:

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By Anònim Filed under CiviMail

2020 Update: this blog post was a precursor to

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By Anònim Filed under Community

Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research are recruiting a new CRM & Database manager. This is a unique opportunity for someone who wants a role which is more than managing data quality and flows. This role will be a key ambassador for our CiviCRM, and work with the Insight team to ensure our CiviCRM delivers the maximum benefit across the organisation.

A few highlights from our system :

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By AnònimFiled under
  We're excited to share that CiviHR 1.3 beta1 is ready for release. It contains a whole new module – Recruitment – to help non-profits and small/medium sized businesses streamline their recruitment and selection process.  If you are new to CiviHR, you can read about it here.  
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