Blog posts by Anònim

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By Anònim Filed under CiviMail

Mass email campaigns are a staple of digital marketing, providing a powerful way to reach a large audience quickly. However, ensuring that your email content resonates with your audience can be challenging. One of the most effective ways to optimise email performance is through A/B testing, a feature that has been core functionality for a long time and is now fully implemented using Mosaico.

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By AnònimFiled under

The project #CiviOneClick aims to simplify access to CiviCRM – starting with an easy setup of demo sites but with the long-term goal of a new way to install CiviCRM.

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By Anònim Filed under Community, Sprints

Being new to the Civi community, I have been asked several times how my first sprint was. Well, read for yourself: After two days of a great admin training, where I learned so much about the core functions of CiviCRM, it was also exciting to hear about new extensions and developments at the CiviCamp.

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By AnònimFiled under
CiviFlow Talk and Demonstration at CiviCamp Manchester ’23

Encircle are really excited to announce that tomorrow (Friday 1st of December) their Technical Director: Tom Taylor will be presenting a talk and demonstration on our new open source CiviFlow extension for CiviCRM at CiviCamp 2023 in Manchester, UK.

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By Anònim Filed under CiviCamp, Community
CiviCamp is coming back to Manchester (1st December). We'd love to hear from anyone who wants to deliver a session on the day. If you've got an idea for a talk/ presentation/ workshop. Please get in touch with us.
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By Anònim Filed under Community

Please join me in congratulating the new CiviCRM Community Council.

There are 11 positions on the council, and we had 11 individuals with two community members who vouched for them, so they are all acclaimed.

The new membership is as follows :

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By Anònim Filed under Extensions

Simple conversion tracking for your contribution and event pages

No doubt many organisations use Google Analytics and whilst they probably have lots of tracking in place, we established that current extensions and functionality for CiviCRM did not allow putting monetary value to conversions.

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By Anònim Filed under CiviCamp

We are busy preparing a CiviCamp in Brussels on Friday, 2nd June 2023 in the capital of the EU: Brussels!

We are looking forward to meeting you!

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By Anònim Filed under Community

We missed having elections for the Community Council since the first one (due to COVID, then lack of interest, then inability to find volunteers to run the election) and had to regroup a bit to figure out how to run them now that those impediments have been (hopefully) overcome.

We now have enough interest to believe that this attempt will be successful. More people are now expressing interest than positions to be filled.

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By AnònimFiled under
Caldera Forms and PHP 8

Caldera Forms is still a frequently used WordPress extension to create complex forms that integrate with CiviCRM. However, parts of the functionality do not seem to be compatible with PHP 8. Therefore, we want to start a community effort, to make Caldera Forms compatible with PHP 8. To discuss next steps, we will meet on the 2nd of May, 15 CET. Everyone, who wants to contribute to the discussion, is welcome to join.

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