Announcing CiviCRM 4.2.7!!!

2013-01-02 22:52
Written by
yashodha - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

The team is excited to announce the seventh release of 4.2 stable with support for Drupal 7, Joomla 2.5 and WordPress 3.3.

We strongly recommend that all sites upgrade their CiviCRM code to this release if you are using previous version of 4.2. There have been significant (75+) bug fixes, including two security fixes, since the last stable release of 4.2. You can download the release from SourceForge, and you can also test drive the release on each platform using the public demos:

What is new in 4.2?

Here's a quick list of some of the other cool new features and improvements in this release:

  • Extensions functionality
  • Inline (quick) editing of contact fields (email, phone, communications preferences, custom fields) from Contact Summary - CRM-9908
  • Recurring contributions and auto-renew memberships: allow self-service and back-office update and cancellation - CRM-10076
  • Offer donors a choice of payment processors on your online contribution pages - CRM-9850
  • Support for SMS blasts and interactions - CRM-9782
  • Relative date filters on all search forms (e.g. "last month", "this year-to-date") - CRM-9427
  • Improve search filters for mailings and link to advanced search from mailing summaries - CRM-9542
  • Batch (automated) dedupe and merge - CRM-9312
  • Create and send thank-you letters from contribution search - CRM-9998
  • Multiple membership renewal reminders - CRM-8359
  • Batch entry of contributions and membership payments (quick input of batches of checks). Read more here- CRM-9834
  • Replace hard-code email address in online event registration forms with a reserved profile, and allow online event registration forms to NOT collect email addresses - CRM-9587
  • Support price sets for recurring contributions - CRM-9504

Want to learn more? Check out the complete list of ~75 improvements and bug fixes done in this stable version of 4.2



You can download the release from SourceForge - select from the civicrm-stable section. The filenames include the 4.2.7labels, e.g. civicrm-4.2.7-drupal.tar.gz or civicrm-4.2.7-joomla.tar.gz or civicrm-4.2.7-wordpress.tar.gz. Make sure you're downloading the correct version: for Drupal or Joomla or Wordpress.


New Installations

If you are installing CiviCRM 4.2 from scratch, please use the corresponding automated installer instructions:


Upgrading to 4.2

The procedure for upgrading is described in following documents:



Community support and engagement is the force that sustains and drives CiviCRM forward. This release would not have been possible without the incredible contributions of these people and organizations:

Abril Rocabert, Adam Wight, Alice Aguilar, Allen Shaw, Andres Spagarino, Andrew Harris, Andrew Hunt, Andrew Walker, Andre Gurgel, Anthony Camilleri, Ariel Gold, Bob Vincent, Brian Shaugnessy, Chris Burgess, Chris Ward, Coleman Watts, Dave D, Dave Moreton, Eileen McNaughton, Erik Brower, Erik Hommel, Frank Gomez, Graylin Kim, Jamie McClelland, Jane Hanley, Jason Bertolacci, Jeroen Bensch, Jim Meehan, Jon Goldberg, Jonathan Mark, Joe Murray, Kasia Wakarecy, Katie Horn, Katy Jockelson, Kellie Brownell, Ken West, Ken Zalewski, Lisa Jervis, Marianela Zucotti Bozzano, Mark Burdett, Mathieu Lutfy, Matt Niemayer, Micah Lee, Michael Daryabeygi, Michael McAndrew, Nicolas Ganivet, Noah Miller, Parvez Saleh, Peter Gehres, Peter McAndrew, Robyn Perry, Samuel Vanhove, Simon West, Stephane Lussier, Steve Colson, Stuart Gaston, Torrance Hodgeson, Xavier Dutoit.

AGH Strategies, Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, Association for Learning Technology, Backoffice Thinking, Circle Interactive, CiviDesk, Community Builders, DC Roadrunners, EE-atWork, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Freeform Solutions, Free Software Foundation, Fuzion (NZ), Giant Rabbit, Gingko Street Labs, Kindling Trust, Koumbit, Korlon, International Mountain Biking Association,  JMA Consulting, Lighthouse Consulting and Design, National Democratic Institute, New York State Senate, Ninjitsu Web Development, Nonprofit Solutions, NS Web Solutions, Palentetech, Progressive Technology Project, River Pool at Beacon, San Francisco Baykeeper,  Switchback, Tech to the People,  The Monthly, Third Sector Design, Veda Consulting, Voluntary Action Westminster,  Woolman Sierra Friends Center, Woven, Zing.


Anonymous (no verificat)
2013-01-03 - 20:15

Hi there


Sounds great release but did I do something wrong as this is what I am getting on a fresh install:

Strict warning: Non-static method CRM_Core_Block::setTemplateValues() should not be called statically in CRM_Core_Block::setTemplateValues() (line 587 of /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Block.php).





Civi includes some code that originated with older versions of PHP. Although the code still works in newer versions of PHP, new PHP installs may (by default) report warnings about old code. To reduce warnings, some have found one or both of these steps help:

1. In php.ini, set "error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT".

2. Avoid PHP 5.4 with Civi <=4.2. (The upcoming Civi 4.3 is being actively tested/developed with PHP 5.4.)