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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is excited to announce the second stable release of version 4.1  - with support for Drupal 7, Drupal 6, Joomla 1.7/2.5, and Wordpress 3.3. You can download the release now from Sourceforge.

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By colemanw Filed under Drupal 7, Extensions

If you've recently upgraded to CiviCRM 4.1, you'll need to upgrade your webform_civicrm as well. Versions 2.3 and below are not fully compatible with Civi 4.1. Version 2.4 is, and will be released in the next couple of days, especially if I get a few comments on this post from people who have sucessfully tested it! The latest -dev is stable and working, so please feel free to download it and try it out on your 4.1 site!

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By yashodha Filed under Drupal 7, Joomla, Release announcements, WordPress

The team is excited to announce the first stable release of version 4.1  - with support for Drupal 7, Drupal 6, Joomla 1.7/2.5, and Wordpress 3.3. You can download the release now from Sourceforge.

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By Anònim Filed under Meetups

The meetup was hosted at techhub, in London’s “Silicon Roundabout”, Old Street. Our host for the evening was Michael McAndrew of Third Sector Design, a company specialising in CiviCRM based in techhub.

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By Anònim Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviMember

Okay, I'm double-posting today in case you don't find this buried in the forum.  My forum posting contains all of the details regarding a custom hack written for a client to automate 7 renewal email reminders based on expire date.


I do hope you find this useful.,6176.msg98034.html#msg98034


- Annalee

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By Anònim Filed under Case studies and user stories

Hey gang sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you but we've been busy slogging through a few outstanding issues.  For those of you who are currently in the throes of your data conversion here are a few quick words of advice. 1. Set up a local site for your data conversion so you don't run into any restrictions on how many records you can import at one time on your server, otherwise, you will spend a lot of time creating many, many small text files.

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By JoeMurray Filed under API, CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviMember, Finance and Accounting

Notice to non-developers: This post is about how some functionality in 4.2 will be implemented in code and in the database, with very minor changes to anything visible through a browser. If you're not a developer, it probably won't interest you.

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By colemanwFiled under
div.code {max-height:200px; overflow:auto; border:1px solid gray; margin:.5em; background-color:#eee; color:#333;}

One of my favorite features in CiviCRM 4.1 is the improved support for custom tokens via hooks. It's really opened up the possibilities for building some great functionality and new workflows in CiviCRM. If you already know what tokens and hooks are, skip down to see some cool examples.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Training

During the december 2011 sprint in The Netherlands we discussed a different approach to the developer training sessions. We wanted to bring the approach in line with the user and administrator training sessions developed during the sprint following CiviCon London 2011. In short this means we do not try to focus on dealing with all aspects of CiviCRM but focus more on the needs of the participants. The aim is not to learn all there is to learn but to learn enough to get started.

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By AllenShaw Filed under CiviReport, Drupal 7

A couple of weeks back I wrote here some thoughts about letting users manage and modify their own private collection of reports without actually having site-wide "administer reports" privileges. I've since gone ahead and written up the code to make this happen, and I would love to get feedback from the community on its usefulness and ways to improve it.

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