CiviCRM 3.4 and 4.0 go into feature freeze in about two-three weeks with the expected final stable version around the end of March. 4.0 will support Drupal 7 and Joomla! 1.6
Lots of people and organisations have stepped up and contributed to 3.4 and we current have 4 new features sponsored through Make-it-Happen that will be included:
We just released CiviCRM 3.3.2 - it is now available for download. You can also try it out on our demo site. It is mainly a bug fix release - for full list of things that has been fixed/improved in 3.3.2, please take a look at our issue tracker.
What's new in 3.3.2?We introduced a couple of new features from Make It Happen Campaigns.
CiviMail workflow functionality (Rules Integration). Read more here. Back-office staff can now enter recurring contributions for constituents. Constituents can signup for automatically renewing memberships via online contribution pages. Back-office staff can also create auto-renew memberships. (Both features require use of, PayPal Pro or PayPal Standard payment processors) Read more here.I figured you'd be as worked up about this as I have been - but rest easy friend-o, 'cause we've got some good medicine coming your way.
Rules integration, Multiple contact subtypes, Upsell / change membership type, Permissioning integration with Joomla 1.6 ACL, Personal Campaign Pages - offline contributions, Integrate CiviCampaign with CiviEngage, contributions, events and mailings, and a few holdovers from 3.3.
In some ways choosing Open Source software is like making a bet on humanity. We choose to believe that without contract or obligation individuals, organisations and businesses will work together to produce something that benefits all of us. With CiviCRM it feels like we've upped the odds to double or nothing because the organisations that use CiviCRM represent some of our noblest causes (and some that we may not agree with) but parting with funds from cash-strapped or deserving organisations to fund shared development is a lot harder than spending money out of a business account.
In my mind contributing back to Open Source projects that we benefit from and CiviCRM in particular is both a moral and a practical obligation. If we want it to be there for us we have to be there for it. For those of us who may have limited funds Make-it-Happen is a great way to make our bet on a scale that is appropriate to us or our organisation.
Going into 2011 community funding via Make-it-Happen and direct sponsorship is going to be the key driver behind the remaining 3.x releases. Release 3.4 and 4.0 are both expected early in the new year with 3.4 being the last release that will support drupal 6 and 4.0 supporting drupal 7. Obviously supporting two versions of drupal will put pressure on the CiviCRM core team and the duration of that double support will depend on the community.
However, right now it's the time for us to think about what initiatives we want to support into release 3.4. There are some ongoing and some new intiatives up for sponsorship.
We just released CiviCRM 3.3.1 - it is now available for download. You can also try it out on our demo site. It is mainly a bug fix release - for full list of things that has been fixed/improved in 3.3.1, please take a look at our issue tracker.
De Goede Woning is the first Dutch housing corporation to start using CiviCRM, and they are in the middle of their implementation process, expecting to go live in March 2011. One of their main loves in CiviCRM is the functionality of CiviCase, which they will use quite extensively for the following processes: