Release Date
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Release Status
Release CiviCRM Compatibility
Download URL (zip)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension key="no.maf.oppgavexml" type="module">
<name>MAF Norge Oppgave XML</name>
<description>CiviCRM native extension to manage the yearly tax declaration process for MAF Norge </description>
<url desc="Main Extension Page"></url>
<url desc="Documentation"></url>
<url desc="Support"></url>
<url desc="Licensing"></url>
<comments>Extension is being tested</comments>
<extension key="no.maf.oppgavexml" type="module">
<name>MAF Norge Oppgave XML</name>
<description>CiviCRM native extension to manage the yearly tax declaration process for MAF Norge </description>
<url desc="Main Extension Page"></url>
<url desc="Documentation"></url>
<url desc="Support"></url>
<url desc="Licensing"></url>
<comments>Extension is being tested</comments>