The event page for the CiviCamp Hamburg 3-7 June 2024 is now online and can be reached under

CiviCamp Hamburg 3-7 June 2024
What else can CiviCRM do beyond its core functions?
The CiviCamp (June 3, 2024) is an inspiring conference by a unique community - all of you! At this year's international CiviCamp in Hamburg, we want to show what becomes possible when we use the versatile configuration and extension tools that CiviCRM has to offer. The sprint (June 4-7, 2024) with the CiviCRM core team offers users and programmers the opportunity to collaborate on concrete ideas to develop CiviCRM further.
Call for Participation
Do you want to contribute to the session program? Send an e-mail with the working title and a short description to Fabian Schuttenberg,
By default, sessions will be presentations of about 45 minutes. Very quick inputs can be given in the “lightning talk” section. If your topic requires another format, let us know.
Sign up
Would you like to be a participant? To avoid fully booked hotels: please register early! Early Bird tickets are available from now until March 31st for 55 € participation fee (incl. VAT).
There will be no rooms reserved at the venue. CiviCamp participants are encouraged to book their stay individually. You can find more information and tips on travel and accommodation on the event page.